weight loss after pregnancy

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Results 81-90 from 2,075 articles

Overweight Mom in Need of Fast Weight Loss

N.H. asks from San Diego

Hi moms i have a 14 month old baby boy and im a stay at home mom. I have been gaining weight since giving birth and im in desprit need of ANY advice on some weight l...


Weight Loss and Breast Feeding

J.T. asks from Phoenix

Does breast feeding help drop the baby weight? Or keep the fat stores?


Losing Weight Before Next Pregnancy

A.G. asks from Pocatello

I was just wondering if anyone has had experience with being too thin to get pregnant? When i got pregnant with my daughter i weighted 117 lbs (i'm 5'3). I gained 28 ...


Weight Loss While Nursing

V.L. asks from Kansas City

I recently had my 3rd child and gained about 40lbs from the pregnancy. This summer I have to stand up in a wedding and I need to lose the weight to fit into my dress....


Is My Weight Loss After Baby Normal?

J.J. asks from Los Angeles

Hi ladies :) I just had my 3rd baby almost 6 weeks ago and was wondering about weight loss at this point. I gained 37lbs with this last pregnancy and have only lost 2...


Maintaining Weight Loss

T.S. asks from Dallas

For those moms out there who have lost weight and kept it off-- What do you think are the things that have helped you keep the weight off long-term? I know you obvio...


Weight Loss and Trying to Conceive

L.R. asks from Boston

Hi All, I recently had a miscarriage. My husband and I still want to try to conceive again. However, I'm still having trouble returning to my pre-pregnancy weigh...


Need Help in Weight Loss

L.S. asks from Spartanburg

I had my last child in 2002. Before him, I weighed 110lbs. I had a rough pregnancy with him and not to mention he was a big baby(9lbs.12oz.)I gained a a good amount o...


Help for Weight Loss

K.P. asks from Salinas

I need help!!! I've been struggling with the 'left over' baby weight from my pregnancy almost two years ago. I breastfed my daughter for an entire year so I tried t...


Diet & Weight-loss

L.M. asks from Modesto

I am a young mother of 3 who started out weighing 125, i cant even tell you my weight now. I guess I feel way to busy to go to the gym, but I really want to loos...

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Answer Highlights

  • change your eating habits in 2 answers "... you with a food journal with suggestions on how to change your eating habits ..."
  • back to my pre pregnancy weight in 2 answers "... weight I believe through breastfeeding. I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight ..."
  • its only been 6 weeks in 2 answers "Give yourself a little break...it's only been 6 weeks...the fact that you lost 21 ..."
  • joined weight watchers in 2 answers "Hi! I joined Weight Watchers and I've lost 30lbs, it's great and the meetings provide ..."
  • weight loss program in 3 answers "... never been that weight, but am getting ready to start my own weight loss program ..."