Well for starters, it's a life style change. As long as you continue to maintain a relatively healthy lifestyle, it's easy. Biggest motivator is my kids... I want them to grow up learning to be healthy so they don't have to figure it out on their own like I did. I didn't live healthy until probably the past 2 years... but these 2 years have been a breeze! The sooner it's learned, the better. I love taking family walks and swimming in the summer. In the winter it's really hard. I'll get on the treadmill once in a blue moon, not enough for it to REALLY help, LOL... I do Turbo Fire by Chalean Johnson, she's fantastic. Really hurts so good ;) For every 'bad' meal we eat (like serious comfort food- steak and cheese, anything fried, mac and cheese) we eat 2 'good' meals, just something lighter. We have a fruit or veggie at every meal. I'm huge on grazing... I eat like a bird, all day long. Just a few bites of something here and there. It's all about portion control and self discipline. The longer you live healthy, the easier it gets to stay on track!! Good luck :)