weight loss after having a baby

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Results 101-110 from 3,957 articles

Thinking About a Weight Loss Patch...Anyone Had Success?

G.T. asks from Austin

I am desperate to lose weight! I have tried lots of diets, exercise programs, and fasting, but no long-term success with keeping it off. A friend of mine has lost a...


Weight Loss After 2Nd Baby?

J.M. asks from Boston

Hi All, I am about 4 weeks post regular delivery and interested in slowly starting efforts to shed some of the weight (gained an average amount). It already appea...


Breasfeeding and Weight Loss

C.F. asks from Boston

My baby is turning 10 months soon and I haven't been able to lose the baby weight, even that I am still breasfeeding. Is this normal? I was told that breasfeeding hel...


Weight Loss Question

C.M. asks from Dallas

I have tried LOTS of things trying to lose my "baby" weight (my "baby" is almost 3!). Does anyone have anything safe and reliable that they have done to lose weight?...


Anyone Have Any Experience with Jenny Craig Weight Loss???

T.F. asks from Dallas

Anyone have any experience with Jenny Craig weight loss??? I need to lose about 20 pounds (as well as tone up and get some muscle) and I'm just wondering if anyone h...


Ending Weight-loss Plateau

S.S. asks from Binghamton

Since being diagnosed with hypothyroidism, I have finally managed to lose over 30 pounds over the past year through healthy eating, a low-carb diet and exercise. But ...


Weight Loss and Trying to Conceive

L.R. asks from Boston

Hi All, I recently had a miscarriage. My husband and I still want to try to conceive again. However, I'm still having trouble returning to my pre-pregnancy weigh...


Diet & Weight-loss

L.M. asks from Modesto

I am a young mother of 3 who started out weighing 125, i cant even tell you my weight now. I guess I feel way to busy to go to the gym, but I really want to loos...


Weight Loss Ideas Needed for Working Mom

A.G. asks from Los Angeles

I had a beautiful daughter in December and I am completely frustrated with the weight loss. She is my second child and I am sure that has somehting to do with it but...


Maintaining Weight Loss

T.S. asks from Dallas

For those moms out there who have lost weight and kept it off-- What do you think are the things that have helped you keep the weight off long-term? I know you obvio...

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Answer Highlights

  • keep a food diary in 2 answers "Do you keep a food diary? Try tracking what you eat."
  • weight loss program in 3 answers "... never been that weight, but am getting ready to start my own weight loss program ..."
  • will make you feel better in 2 answers "... be a daunting task, but starting and sticking to it will make you feel better ..."
  • lean cuisine in 2 answers "... but it was hard to justify $5-7 per entree when I could get a Lean Cuisine ..."
  • life style change in 2 answers "Well for starters, it's a life style change."