using a pacifier

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Results 51-60 from 4,441 articles

The Dreaded Pacifier

C.B. asks from Hartford

my 18 month old son uses a pacifier. he doesnt use it all day, just at nap time, and in the car. occasionally he will find one in his toys and use it for a little bit...


Weening from Pacifier

L.H. asks from Birmingham

When is a good time to ween baby from pacifier? How do I do it? My daughter turned 12 months on yesterday and I was wondering if it was too early to ween her from her...


Pacifier While Sleeping

T.R. asks from Phoenix

my daughter is a pacifier user so when she sleeps, if she wakes a little, she fusses until I get up and stick it back in. She's not quite 4 months, so I don't want t...


Ditching the Pacifier

K.H. asks from Philadelphia

My son will be 3 on Halloween. My goal is to totally ditch the pacifier by his birthday. He is fine with out it during the day. The only time he needs it is during...


Weaning off Pacifier

T.A. asks from New York

Hello. I am the new mom of a two month old baby boy. A week after he was born, we were in the PICU for two weeks with a very a serious medical emergency. Our little o...


Pacifier Weaning

P.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hi everyone, My 14 month old is pretty much addicted to her pacifier. I didn't let my older daughter use a pacifier after the age of 6 months so she started sucking h...


No Pacifier= No Calming Down!

J.W. asks from Los Angeles

So I've started to try to take the pacifier away from my nearly two year old daughter. She hasn't been allowed to have it, except for at bedtime, for probably about a...


Pacifier Dilemma

T.C. asks from San Francisco

My son is 8 months old and LOVES his pacifier. I never really cared if he had one or not until recently when it has bcome a problem. he is not wanting it so much duri...


Pacifier Dependence

A.L. asks from Los Angeles

I have a 2 month old who loves her pacifier. It wasn't a problem until a few days ago. Now if she falls asleep with it in she'll wake up and cry once it falls out. I ...


Pacifier Woes

R.L. asks from New London

I had my daughter off of the pacifier for about three weeks when she was 14 months old. Unbeknownest to me, my boyfriend had been giving it to her during nap times (I...

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Answer Highlights

  • want to take away the pacifier in 2 answers "I went through the same thing too. If YOU want to take away the pacifier, do it."
  • like the tooth fairy in 2 answers "Fi Fairy", like the tooth fairy, but this one takes away pacifiers when your daughter ..."
  • binky fairy in 4 answers "I talked about the binky fairy coming to take her binkies for other babies that need ..."
  • cut a little hole in 2 answers "Here's how we finally got her to put it down herself. We cut a little hole in all ..."
  • just let him cry in 2 answers "no more binky you are a big boy now." Then just let him cry for it."