toddler memory book

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Results 141-150 from 859 articles

Does Anybody Have "Easy" Children?

A.K. asks from Dallas

Sometimes I will hear people say "Yes my little Johnny, he was such an easy child" Is this just rose tinted memory glasses, or do some people actually have "easy" chi...


Sudden Case of "It's Mine!"

M.N. asks from Los Angeles

My son is about 27 months old and is a pretty agreeable child for the most part. He throws very few tantrums and only cries for maybe a minute when he does have a t...


Weaning After Extended Breastfeeding

J.B. asks from Cincinnati

I have a 27 month old daughter and am still breastfeeding her daily. I am okay with the current situation, and our pediatrician is also in agreement that breastfeedi...


Need Organization Ideas for Kids Sharing a Bedroom

T.K. asks from San Antonio

Hi I have a 9 month old and almost 3 year old that I want to put in the same room together over the next 3-4 months. We have an apartment and the baby is still our b...


Advice for Dealing with Infant Death & 27 m.o. Sibling

D.V. asks from Portland

Recently our 37 day old son died of a congenital heart defect. He was thriving, appeared perfectly healthy, and one night he died in my arms. While my husband & I hav...


Terrible Twos

E.W. asks from Orlando

My best friend has a 2 1/2 year old boy who runs her life. He is constantly telling her what to do..."Mommy rub my feet, Mommy I want milk, Mommy I want fruit snacks...


Pregnant Again and Not Sure What to Do!!!

J.C. asks from Dallas

Hi, I have little boy who just turned one and I just discovered I'm pregnant...AGAIN. I don't know whether to be overjoyed or scared to death. This was not planned an...


What Are the Signs of Autism, or Sensory Perception Disorder?

L.A. asks from Redding

What are the most common signs to look for for autism or sensory perception disorder? I worry about just turning three year old son. He wakes up poorly; often senstiv...


4 Year Old Not Sleeping in Own Room or Bed

D.S. asks from Washington DC

I know I got myself into this fix by keeping my youngest in our bed when she was a baby. There is an 9 year difference between my toddler and my next oldest child, an...


Speech Question in 20 Month Old

L.M. asks from New York

Hi mothers out there! I'm new to this site, my sister in law told me bout it. Anyway to my question. My child says a lot of words, hasnt started to put them toget...

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