My granddaughter is about 2 weeks old. She is waking up EVERY 2 hours on the the 2 hours. I have not done this in a LONG time. My daughter wants to give her rice cer...
I have a 5 month old.. I have some questions..
1. We just started rice cereal on Tues, and she seemed to like it at first, but now really doesn't. Should I keep try...
my baby girl is 6 weeks old but shes always wanting a bottle and when she has drank her bottle she wonts more and more is that normal thanks for any feed back
My 7 week old daughter has gone from finishing 6oz bottles to barely finishing three ounces. She has been sleeping more than usual today as well. She has also slept t...
does anybody know what to do with baby when baby has a lots of gas after eating? my daughter is bottle feeder and she is 1 week old, getting more and more gas and she...
My son will be starting day care soon. They provide lunch and two snacks,therefore i will have to make sure he eats in the morning. He is 10 months and i am wondering...
My son will be 2 in June. He doesnt eat much food. Im at my wits end. I think that if i can get im to eat baby food, then it better than nothing at all. He can live o...
We are the over involved family. The ones that have something going on almost every night of the week. And while that is another subject all together... I am wonder...