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Results 141-150 from 22,339 articles

Best Advice for a Growing Family?

A.A. asks from Tulsa

So we are 3 weeks away from welcoming son #2 into our family, and I am starting to get a bit overwhelmed! Big brother will turn 3 a few days before my due date, and ...


Best Baby Toys for 9-12 Months

B.B. asks from Lansing

Hi Moms, My son is almost 10 months old and I think he's getting bored with his toys. I want to make sure I spend my money on a few good, tried and true toys. What...


Seeking Funny Pregnancy Books

C.S. asks from Chicago

Hi! I just found out I am expecting. This is our third child. I am so excited and want to read some great books about pregnancy, birth, or just funny ones like "Th...


Suggestions--pregnancy/fatherhood Books for Him

R.L. asks from Roanoke

I've been reading up a storm about pregnancy and what to expect in the first year. I want my husband to read some too about what to expect, but he's not really inter...


What Have Been Your Best Mommy Decisions?

R.G. asks from Dallas

My kids are still very young but I think so far my best decisions have been reading Babywise and having my kids on a daily schedule, researching vaccines before my ba...


Groups, Websites, Books for Only Children

A.C. asks from Phoenix

I have my son who is now 2 and he is the only one we are planning to have. Since my DH has already had another child who is 14 but does not live with us and we rarely...


Best Parenting Tip?

A.S. asks from Bellingham

Hi All, Of all the advice you've received, experiences you had and moments you've weathered, what is your best parenting tip? What made your life easier, solved ...


Whats the Best Time To............

S.A. asks from Madison

My daughter is 9 years old & going to be 10 in sept.I am just wondering whats the best time to tell her about menstral cycle.I dont want her to be in problem if she'l...


What's Best for Potty Training a Boy?

S.L. asks from Madison

Hi, My son is 20 months and I know that, eventually, I will have to start teaching him to pee in a potty. What is best: padded seat to put on the adult toilet or lit...


Best Friend Pregnancy

S.S. asks from Binghamton

Hey there Mommas! My 'best' friend is pregnant, she's 23 years old and had only been with her boyfriend for 6 months before she got pregnant. Since my friend told me ...

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Answer Highlights

  • belly laughs by jenny mccarthy in 2 answers "I was going to suggest Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy as well."
  • fisher price laugh in 2 answers "My daughter LOVED (and still does) the Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Learning Home."
  • time to wash your hands in 2 answers "I use this for non-compliance. "It's time to wash your hands, please."
  • baby bjorn seat in 3 answers "We also have a Baby Bjorn seat that is not padded but works great in blocking boys."
  • sex ed class in 2 answers "9 or 10 that is 4th or 5th grade, hasn't she had a basic sex ed class in school yet?"