the best baby books

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Results 121-130 from 22,339 articles

My Best Friends Baby past Away

C.S. asks from Omaha

Well yesterday one of best friends baby that was born in Aug died from SIDS. My friend is handling rather well and is throwing herself to God to help her with all thi...


What Are the Toys and Books Right for My Baby Age

B.N. asks from New York

My baby is 4 month old boy, I wonder which toys should be appropriate for his age . when should I start read to him or telling a story


Highly Recommended Books and Dvd's for 2 Year Old

D.R. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, My daughter is turning 2 next month. She loves books and gets read to often I also allow her to watch one DVD every one to two days. What are some books ...


"Why Isn't My Daughter Talking like the Books Say She Is Supposed to Be Doing?"

J.L. asks from Indianapolis

I am a mother of two girls and a boy. My first daughter who is 4 was so smart and talking before I could get her out of diapers, full sentences. We were all suprise...


Your Favorite Toys & Books for a 1 Year-old

G.C. asks from New York

Hi moms, what are your favorite toys and board books for a 1 year-old? We have some Karen Katz books that my DD destroyed so I'm looking for some titles of sturdier l...


Need a Non-toxic Disinfectant to Clean Toys (& Books?)

J.W. asks from Portland

Hi Moms, What do you use as a non-toxic disinfectant to clean toys? I recently purchased some used toys and would like to clean them before my child plays with t...


Can You Suggest Any Helpful Breastfeeding/parenting Books?

A.B. asks from Phoenix

I just had my third son in January and have already been breastfeeding him the longest, 6 weeks. I am interested in reading an helpful books on the subject for tips a...


Best Baby Shower Gift You Received

J.B. asks from San Antonio

I am invited to a baby shower for a woman who's first child goes to school and after-school care with my own children. Her first son is six and she is pregnant again...


Curious About Your Views on Two Books I Just Purchased

S.C. asks from Los Angeles

I just purchased these two books and waiting on their arrival. "Raising Respectful Kids in a Rude World: Teaching Your Children the Power of Mutual Respect and C...


Best Baby Food Brands

J.G. asks from Atlanta

My son is 4 months old and our pediatrician said we should start out on baby foods. What are some good baby food brands? I have him on Gerber Rice Cereal, is Gerber...

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