talking dictionary

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Results 51-60 from 252 articles

2.5 Year Old Stuttering or Something ?

S. asks from Dallas

My 2.5 year old has started stuttering....well, not exactly stuttering ,more like hesitating before starting to talk. Her lips move like she is saying puh..puh...puh...


Am I Overreacting?

E.W. asks from Dallas

My Mom has just joined Facebook and requested to be my friend. She also requested my other siblings to be her friend. We all accepted her request. My best friend sinc...


Primrose off Heritage Trace?

A.C. asks from Dallas

I've read reviews from several different locations regarding Primrose Academy. Some are great reviews, while other locations have terrible reviews. However, I've not ...


Your Thoughts on the Importance of Good Spelling?

A.B. asks from Charlotte

Taking an informal survey :-) (It'll be great if I spell something wrong in this post, won't it? lol) My 5th grader has always had problems with spelling even th...



S.H. asks from Huntsville

When I was growing up, we had a set of hardback encyclopedias. I remember referencing them A LOT for school papers & projects. This, of course, was just before the I...


e-Reader To Encourage Reading?

C.M. asks from Chicago

My 10-year old does not like to read. She's never liked it, she's very much a TV person like her father. She's supposed to read 20 minutes a day and I can't get her t...


Does Anyone Smell a Troll........

J.B. asks from Houston

I've seen this topic posted several times and I have to admit, I'm not sure what constitutes one being a troll on here. But recently I'm seeing a ton of 'odd' questi...


Awkward Dreams...

A.J. asks from Dallas

So i had a dream last night that i was with my ex. We're both married and haven't seen each other for years. Has this happened to anyone? Does anyone know what it means?


Increase a 7/8 Years Old Vocabulary

B.B. asks from San Francisco

Hi Please let me know how to increase an 8 years old and 9 years old vocabulary. They love watching TV, we have cut it down to 1-2 hours weekend and 30-40 mins week...


Baby Sign Language

C.W. asks from Madison

I would love to start my son on some baby sign language. Any good books or suggestions on how to get started with that? - He is 6 months. Thanks!

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Answer Highlights

  • check your local library in 2 answers "is a good book to get you started - check your local library, they may have that one ..."
  • know how to use a dictionary in 2 answers "I am not great at it, but I know how to use a dictionary, so... Tada!"
  • signing time videos in 3 answers "... whose is 9 months is baby see n sign from the library. Also signing time videos ..."
  • set of encyclopedias in 3 answers "I remember we had a nice set of encyclopedias when I was younger too."
  • poor spellers in 3 answers "I wish I knew if there were any good programs nowadays to help poor spellers."