talking dictionary

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Results 91-100 from 252 articles

Sign Language HELP!

A.H. asks from Toledo

We just found out my 20 month old niece can't hear much if anything. My sister is going through all the dr appts and options....what good resources are out there for...


How Sensitive Are You to the Intersectionality of Others?

J.C. asks from Columbus

In my Sociology class, we've been focusing on being sensitive to people's intersectionality (basically how all the roles in your life intersect in order to create you...


How to Teach Decoding Skills to My Children???

A.K. asks from Los Angeles

My son is 5 yrs old and reading at a 1st grade mid-year level. I’ve also got a 3 ½ yr old beginning reader that learned to read just from watching her older broth...


Did You Teach Your Baby Sign Language? Best Book/resource for That?

A.C. asks from Phoenix

I would like to try to teach my almost 6 month old daughter baby sign language. It doesn't have to be the official sign language, but just some easy signs so she can...


Baby Signing

J.K. asks from Seattle

I am looking for a good recommendation for a book or DVD/video on baby signing. Any recommendations are welcome. Thank you!


On-Line Support Groups for Military Moms

A.M. asks from Austin

My brother was deployed to Afghanistan last week, and my mother is NOT taking it well. She has, in fact, not been taking it well since she heard of the possibility h...


What Is Book Smart?

J.W. asks from St. Louis

Okay here is the deal, my brother and I always appeared to be equally intelligent. Thing is he studied 24/7, I opened a text book usually after one of my parents hit...



L.G. asks from Eugene

Many times on this site we see questions written so badly it is hard to answer them. Do you think all the texting that has leaked it's way on to this and other blog ...


Kids Who Ask Questions Constantly and How to Best Answer Them

K.U. asks from Detroit

So my DD (age 4) is always asking TONS of questions, and some I can answer and some I cannot. I can answer questions that have a concrete answer (like where the food...


Parenting a Nonverbal Child.

M.T. asks from Fort Myers

Hi, My son will be 2 yrs old in 2 months. He doesn't speak yet. We are working with a developmental therapist and have been since he was 15 months. Although many peo...

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