swelling hands

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6 Year Molars

T.I. asks from Syracuse

My daughter just turned 7 and she is just now gettin her 6 year old molars , i was just wondering if this is normal? But also she just came to me and said that her fa...


Frustrated with Drs, Clinics, Chiropractors... Everybody!

V.W. asks from Minneapolis

Some of you may know that I've been having a lot of problems with my wrist the past few months. For those who don't here's a quick recap (There is some information th...


36 Weeks Pregnant & My Feet,legs Are Super Swollen...

P.G. asks from Killeen

Omg ladies!!! My ankles,feet,and legs are so swollen. I have some redness here and there on my lower calfs. When I get up to walk I feel like they are going to pop!!!...


Swollen Ankles and Feet

M.F. asks from Denver

37 weeks and I have very swollen ankles and feet, should I worry?


4Mth Shots

T.C. asks from Dallas

i was woundering if there is anything else i can give my son to help deal with his shots .. i realy dont like giving him tylenol.. plz help !? what is a paracetamol...


Losing Feeling in Fingers

M.M. asks from Austin

Okay-this sounds crazy, but I feel like I ma beginning to lose feeling in my right ring finger. I'm about due-July 8th, and I don't know if this is normal. I don't ...


Chigger Bite?

A.K. asks from Dallas

OK, I have a strange ques - my 4 yr old boy has an issue. His "private boy part" started hurting and itching in one spot yesterday. Today his "priv boy part" is swo...


Flushed Face Duering Late Pregnancy

J.S. asks from San Francisco

HI moms, i am 35 weeks along and the last few days people have been telling me that my cheeks look red. does anyone know if this is a sign of high BP? I have a reg...


2Yr Old's Busted Lip

K.N. asks from Austin

My daughter fell flat on her face this evening... Split open her lip on the inside, in an inverted "L" shape. Her front teeth can fit into the gash. However it has s...


Swollen Feet & Ankles - Need Shoe Suggestions

F.F. asks from Chicago

I'm 30 weeks pregnant & have already bought 3 pairs of shoes a 1/2 size larger & in a wide to wear on my growing feet. When I bought them I still had room to move - n...

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