My feet and ankles were perpetually swollen by the time I hit 30 weeks. Actually, at that point, I had no ankles. They would swell up even MORE if I stood for any period of time (which was every day, since I was still working.) I remember coming home from work one time, and my feet had swollen OVER my shoes, so that even my shoelaces were tucked under my ankles!!! I actually have stretch marks on my ankles!!! My hands also swelled up massively by the time I hit 35 (I had to wear my ring on a chain around my neck, I couldn't even get it past my first knuckle!)
Very common. They make pantyhose that you can buy, that help promote circulation and they DO help some. (you should be able to buy them at pretty much any maternity store)
Drink lots of water, and avoid sodium. (normal pregnancy advise anyway, but especially helpful to avoid swelling.) Use the swelling to get a sympathy footrub from Daddy-to-be! ;)