swelling hands

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Results 211-220 from 968 articles

Biting and Self Inflicted Pain

S.H. asks from Columbia

Help me please! My daughter is 2 1/2 and lately has this horrible habit of biting her nails, obviously many children have this oral fixation so I just tried to redire...


Strept Throat/Rheumatic Arthritis and Rash

G.Z. asks from Los Angeles

My son is being referred to the rheumatic specialist and cardiologist. Started with a fever peaking at 103.6 and lasting about 3 days, then a cough, then a rash that...


Oh My God... Seriously?!

V.W. asks from Minneapolis

Background Info: My cow crushed my left wrist back in august. I didn't go to the doctor initially because I thought it would just heal on it's own. In early December,...


Help with My Niece Who Has HSP Illness from Giardasil Vaccine

C.M. asks from Houston

Hi moms, my niece was diagnosed with HSP.( my understanding is it is an illness mostly seen in kids that is triggered by a virus, bacteria, or drug) The immunologist ...


6 1/2 Month Old Infant Refusing Bottle Even When Hungry

K.R. asks from Dallas

My DD has been refusing to take her bottle on an on-going basis. This has been going on for few weeks. I mentioned it to the Pediatrician last time we saw him, sinc...


7 Month NOW Having Trouble Falling Asleep and Sleeping Thru the Night.

G.F. asks from San Francisco

My wonderful 71/2 month baby boy has been sleeping thru the night since he was 8 weeks. He falls asleep anytime between 8-9 p.m. without any hassle. We have our eveni...


Sore Throat and Cough, What Do You Think

J.M. asks from New York

my 5 year old first(who then coughed right in my face) and now i are sick. we both have the same thing. its a red sore throat not that bad and cough. the cough onl...


Has Your Preschooler Had Their Tonsils Out?

S.L. asks from Harrisburg

Hi, I am unsure if I should go ahead with a tonsillectomy. My son turned 3 in June. The ENT who put tubes in his ears last year said his tonsils are a size 3 and n...


"I'm Scared Something Is Behind Me..."

C.R. asks from Seattle

This is what my daughter says constantly now. She is 4 and she doesn't want to walk down the hallway, up the stairs, she won't even wash her hands without someone beh...


Swollen Ring Finger!

J.K. asks from Phoenix

So after i asked my last question,i got up to get myself and my kids lunch.As i was making it,my ring finger was swollen.i did not hurt my finger.it stopped itching a...

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Answer Highlights

  • his tonsils and adenoids in 2 answers "... did not pick up that my son's symptoms were from his tonsils and adenoids ..."
  • recovered from the surgery in 2 answers "... terrifying to hear her stop breathing at night. She recovered from the surgery ..."
  • carpal tunnel in 2 answers "sounds like possibly a pinched nerve or carpal tunnel syndrome."
  • run its course in 3 answers "Generally a cold will run it's course in a few days to a week or so."
  • nerve damage in 4 answers "I have nerve damage from a slipped disk in my neck."