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Helping Little One Cope with Disappointment

A.J. asks from Little Rock

I have an ultra sensitive toddler. She cries real tears when Cinderella gets her dress torn for the 150th time, she apologizes profusely when she eats the last cracke...


Advice from Moms That Have Not Vaccinated Their Kids

R.G. asks from San Diego

My kids have an unusual genetic makeup and the one thing that we have battled with is their hyper-sensitive immune system. We have suffered through the suffering of m...


Was This Appropriate Behavior of a Cashier?

A.F. asks from Dallas

So the other day my husband and I are doing some shopping and when we go to check out the cashier starts commenting about my husband paying with all cash, mostly $100...


My 12-Year-old Talks Too Much

C.S. asks from Honolulu

I have two wonderful boys who play sports, do well in school, help with chores around the house and who mostly get along really well with each other. My younger son i...


Groceries Out of Control

A.S. asks from Los Angeles

Our grocery expenses are out of control!! I just added it up and last month we spent nearly 1000 dollars on groceries so I really need to scale it down. We are budg...


Help! My 15 Month Old Is Already Going Through the Terrible Twos!

J.B. asks from Los Angeles

My 15 month old is a wonderful little girl. She has always had an easygoing personality: hardly ever cries, plays nicely, happy and laughing. She has, however, always...


Advice on Making All Natural Products

M.G. asks from Kansas City

I am wanting to start making my own all natural products (skincare, lotions and creams, using essential oils). I have tons of recipes that I can get started with and ...


I Guess I Don't Get the Whole Homecoming "Mum" Thing

A.K. asks from Houston

I was at my sister in laws house last week, and my niece wanted to show me her dress. I said I would love to see it, so she toddled off to get dressed, came back in t...


Would You Have Done the Same Thing?

C.M. asks from Washington DC

I was at target today and I was getting in line (the store was busy because it's a Sunday). The lady in front of me had a full cart of stuff. There were about 4 peopl...


Bringing Out the "Good China"

F.B. asks from New York

Mamas & Papas - Do you own so called "good china"? If so, what do you set it aside for, when does it come out, how do you store it? Do you have a formal parlor wh...

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