restaurants gluten free

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Results 61-70 from 263 articles

Insensitivity or Celiac??

A.L. asks from Minneapolis

My daugher who will be 4 soon was tested about 6 months ago for food insensitivities and came back with dairy, gluten and peanuts. she does preety good on her diet ...


Need Help Dealing with Celiac Disease/gluten Intolerance & Where to Buy Foods

G.D. asks from Cincinnati

Hi Mamas! My daughter has had a sensitivity to gluten (wheat, rye, barley, oat) for a while - if she eats too many cereals, breads, crackers, etc., she gets the runn...


Celiac Disease/gluten

L.B. asks from New York

Hi Mammas, I was diagnosed with Celiac disease last summer, so I am familiar with the diet and although it has been difficult I have been able to manage a gluten fre...


Recipes for Special Diet

A.B. asks from Chicago

Hi, Everyone! I am seeking some new recipes for my son's special diet. He has sensory processing disorder and I have put him on a dairy, gluten, whey, and casin fr...


Looking an Advice for a Diet

D.G. asks from New York

I have three kids. We just find out that one have celiac disease, she is 4 years old. I need to start her on a gluten free diet. I don't know what to do and how it is...


Celiacs Disease

N.R. asks from St. Louis

My 30 year old daughter may have celiacs disease--they will confirm with blood work and she has already had a scope and biopsy of the area. She has lost weight, fat...


Celiac Disease?

K.D. asks from Denver

Hello, my 3 yr old daughter was just diagnosed with Celiac Disease. We meet with the GI dr and dietician next week. I'm looking for help in explaining this so she u...


Just Found Out I Have "Celiac"

C.M. asks from Provo

I just found out I have celiac and it feels a little overwhelming. I now have to completely change my eating habits and a lot of things are now off limits. I was won...


Celiac Mom Seeking Recipe

H.C. asks from Phoenix

I was diagnosed with Celiac disease a little over a year ago. Since then, I have been struggling to find good tasting recipies that my teenager will eat, also. Celi...


Let's Talk Poop and GI Alleriges

C.B. asks from San Diego

If the title did not tell you, TMI below. What is poop supposed to look like for a 3 year old? I discovered a milk and soy allergy in my child while breast feeding ...

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