My 3 yr old daughter was diagnosed with Celiac 7 months ago. It was a huge learning curve but now it's really not so bad. My favorite cookbook is "Wheat-Free, Gluten free Cookbook for Kids and Busy Adults by Sarros. I also have many of the Bette Hagman books.
Outside of the Breadbox found online and at Vitamin Cottage has the BEST breads, rolls, hamburger/hotdog buns, etc, that we have found. We like these alot better than Deby's GF stuff. The texture is more like the normal wheat breads and doesn't crumble.
Amy's Brand has lots of gluten free entrees that are very tasty, expecially the pizza, mac and cheese and Mexican bowls.
Many King Soopers now have a gluten free freezer section where we can get donuts, frozen cookie mix, and a wide variety of other things.
Pamela's brand is great for pancakes mixes, cookie, brownie, cake mixes as well.
Whole Foods, King Soopers, Vitamin Cottage, Sprouts, and The Sunflower Market all have a great variety of GF foods.
Tinkyada is our favorite pasta brand.
And you'll find many of your every day foods are gluten free, like Chex Mix, Yoplait yogurt, pace salsa. Some companies will email or mail you a product list which has been very helpful.
There is a Denver chapter of the Celiac/Sprue Association that we joined. It's been great. They have monthly get togethers, this month is a Christmas cookie exchange. They also sell a book of gluten free food items. It's made things so easy, especially at Halloween. They also have a dietician who has been helpful.
Hope this helps, feel free to contact me with any other further questions. It was very nice in the beginning having someone to help with the questions.
I will say that since gluten free items are so expensive we do pick and choose. Some things in the house are gluten free others aren't. We have shelves designated in the pantry for gluten free only, along with a gluten free only toaster. I've gotten pretty good at making mostly gluten free only dinners and lunches, but some things like pancakes, cereals, breads, mac and cheese. . I'll make a GF and a non GF version . .always being very careful not to contaminate. It was just easier on our budget this way.
Hope this helps! it is hard but we have been able to find many yummy substitutes for my daughter. I'm sure it's harder when you're older but the change in your health should be very noticable and make it worthwhile.