pre algebra

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Results 111-120 from 215 articles

So Bored During Naps....

J.M. asks from Boston

I should be thrilled to sit, read, watch tv, go on internet clean or whatever but I am BORED during the 2-3 hour daily nap. How do you spend that time?


Are My Grade Requirements Unreasonable?

R.N. asks from Norfolk

I require my children ages 6-11 to get A's and B's or they are put on restriction (no friends on school nights, all homework done before dinner, must go to bed 30mins...


Advice on Preschool

G.A. asks from San Diego

My daughter will be turning 3 in mid May and my husband and I are trying to decide what type of preschool would be best for her to attend in the fall. She is very br...


4 Year Old Lacking Confidence

K.M. asks from San Francisco

My four year old daughter is lacking confidence in her abilities. Her teachers at preschool tell me that since she doesn't want to give a wrong answer, she doesn't do...


Daughter Flunking Two Classes

M.K. asks from San Diego

My daughter is 12 in 7th grade and she's flunking Math and Science. Math especially is a concern because she is tutored but says she still doesn't get it and complete...


Is It Angst or Something More?

S.W. asks from Detroit

Hello All, My darling son turned 15 last August and entered his freshman year of high school. He attends a private school so he doesn't get a report card, they pr...


Math for 4 Year Old

V.S. asks from Los Angeles

My son, who is now 4, has always loved numbers since before he was a year old. He loves counting to anything he does - counting going up & down stairs, his toys, sta...


Going for RN....possible to NP

T.S. asks from Lima

Hello ladies. I need some help with some advice and basically I want you to tell me the truth. It may not be what I want to hear, but I need to know. I have 3 kids...


Tween's First Phone?? S.O.S.

J.D. asks from Dallas

We're ready to at least explore having my 6th grader get a first phone - and want to do it very conservatively, perhaps a simple prepaid phone, with no camera or inte...


Preschool Age?

C.S. asks from Houston

I am a firm believer in staying at home w/children till school... I used to always think preschool started at 4, from when I was a teacher, that's what we recomended....

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