My grandson is almost 3. He is potty trained to urinate in the toilet, but he WILL NOT have a bowel movement in the toilet!! My daughter has tried every method that...
OK - so I'm concerned regarding my daughter - she is just now 3 - a few months ago I put forth the question regarding potty training half said go for the other half s...
My daughter just turned two last month. I am struggling with the best way to potty train her. I know that she is still young and has plenty of time to learn, but sh...
Hi moms! My son loves his fisher price potty -- plays with it, sits on it and has pottyed on it quite a few times. The problem I'm having is that he wants to potty on...
I am desperately seeking advice, I'm at the point where I don't know what to do anymore for my 3 1/2 year old daughter. She was doing great with going #1 and #2 in t...
I am a stay at home mom/military wife who needs new ideas on potty training my 3 1/2 yr old son. He has been using the potty to "P" since he was 2, he will even stan...
HELP! We have a little boy who will soon be 3 years old and he will NOT go poopy in the potty. Never have trouble with pee pee in the potty. He is a VERY INTELLIGE...
Dear Moms,
I have a 2 1/2 year old son who is not potty trained. I have been working with him but my strategy is not working. I try to sit him on the potty short...
My son will be 3 years old next month and we are having a hard time potty training him. He knows where the potty is and that mom and dad put their pee-pee and poop in...
I've been trying to potty train my 20 month daughter but she will always tell me after she goes. She actually pooped twice in the potty at 18 months, but hasn't done ...