physically challenged kid

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Results 161-170 from 348 articles

8 Month Old Not Sleeping Through Night or on Own

A.L. asks from Los Angeles

Hello ladies! I am in need of some suggestions on how to get my little one to sleep through the night in her own crib again. She did well from 3-7 months, then we gra...


Adult Bullies

S.K. asks from Dallas

Have you ever experienced bullying by another adult? I'm not talking about one time incidents when someone was rude to you but ongoing meanness by another person ove...


How to Explain Freinds Autistic Children to My Own????

L.W. asks from Portland

Hi everyone, Looking for advice on how to explain to my 5 yr old daughter that one of our good family friends son is autistic. The biggest struggle is, is that he...



K.H. asks from Saginaw

My son is 7 years old and in the first grade. He is a very intellegent boy, he loves sports, reading and being outside. At the first parent teacher conference in Dec...


How Do I Get My Dog to Just Pee Outside?

A.H. asks from Houston

I have a one year old Lhasa Apso he is so cute and very good with my three year old, but we have one problem he pees inside my house and that is a NO NO. I take him o...



D.C. asks from Chicago

I have loved all of your responses.


Should I Send Her to Kindergarten?

N.F. asks from Cleveland

I have a 4 year old daughter who is in Preschool now. She makes the Kindergarten deadline by 5 days. My husband wants to send her in August and I dont! He says "why w...


Real Experiences of People Who Were Young in School.

S.B. asks from Boise

Hi, I have read a lot of info about children starting school early. There are many conflicting opinions out there, especially in regards to advanced children (both ac...


Kindergarten Ready?

C.A. asks from Detroit

My husband and I disagree on whether our son is ready for kindergarten or not. To be fair, I will not give my opinion in regards to which side I am on; however I will...


Gifted Child Failing

M.R. asks from Dallas

I am at my wit's end. My 13 year old girl is in 8th grade. She was identified as gifted and talented in 5th grade. She was diagnosed as ADD (not ADHD) in 7th grade...

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