phd degree

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Results 161-170 from 337 articles

Experience with the Mono Virus

M.C. asks from Johnson City

Has anyone had any experience with the mono virus? My 13 year old daughter has had 3 different flair-ups. Each time her blood work shows positive and currently active...


Advice to Deal with an Unhappy Teenager

D.T. asks from Wichita Falls

I have a teenaged daughter that is in her second semester of college. She is a very bright young lady and school has always come very easy to her. As she was growing ...


What Is Book Smart?

J.W. asks from St. Louis

Okay here is the deal, my brother and I always appeared to be equally intelligent. Thing is he studied 24/7, I opened a text book usually after one of my parents hit...


Stepdaughter Pregzillas

L.D. asks from Erie

This is my second marriage, as it is for my husband. We have been married 5 years and he has 2 daughters from his first marriage who are in their early twenties. I ...


Alimony and Child Support for Sahms

S.L. asks from New York

I'm not mad, I'm not passive aggresive, I'm just thinking that if one woman reads this and gets herself a credit card in her name only I will feel I helped someone. ...


Paying High Taxes for a Good School District, Worth It?

M.S. asks from New York

Hi all, I am wondering if I am doing the right thing for my children (I think I am but sometimes I doubt it) I live in NJ, and pay a pretty penny on property taxes t...


What Are Your Priorities?

R.J. asks from Seattle

What do you make sure you do every day? (Yes, basics.) What do you protect? What do you unhappily give up? What do you save up for? What are your longterm goals? ...



J.M. asks from State College

My 3 year old was recently diagnosed w autism, my 6 year old has add, i have Multiple Sclerosis. I keep reading about the possible adverise nerologic effects of vacci...


Do You Love Your Job?

T.R. asks from Orlando

I seem to struggle in finding rewarding work, or just work I can somewhat enjoy. I know we are all different, but I'm looking for thoughts, inspiration and ideas. So,...


No Unemployment for Stay at Home Parents...

R.J. asks from Seattle

Spousal Support (alimony/palimony) used to cover this gap. Or at least was designed to, there are always exceptions and scumbags. How do you feel about more and...

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Answer Highlights

  • book smart but has no common sense in 2 answers "or "she is book smart but has no common sense." I don't think of it as having any ..."
  • long term goals in 6 answers "I save for kid's college and retirement. My long-term goals are to further my career ..."
  • tested positive for mono in 2 answers "... was my understanding that once you had the virus...and tested positive for Mono ..."
  • summa cum in 2 answers "And she doesn't have to graduate Summa Cum Laude!"
  • street smarts in 5 answers "Not a lick of street smarts in that one."