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Results 131-140 from 337 articles

Home Schooling by Someone Else

M.T. asks from Austin

My question is if anyone has ever had someone else home school their children? My older son was in private school for a few years and now has transferred to public th...



K.C. asks from Great Falls

My oldest son has had constipation since he was five months old. He has been on Miralax most of his life. He is now four years old and takes it every morning. I thou...


Careers Which Involve Animals and Science

B.P. asks from Chicago

Our 14 year old son has always adored animals. It is more than the usual liking dogs and cats and cuddly animals. He is a whiz at 20 questions, cause his answers alw...


Any Advice or Words of Wisdom?

C.W. asks from Dallas

So, here I am 35 years old and have been a SAHM for 14 years. I haven't been to school in 17 years, but here I am looking at going back to school in August. Am I cr...


How to Get past Disappointment in Daughter's Choice of Significant Other

M.C. asks from Dallas

Our daughter has been dating this guy off and on for a few years, but in the past 18 months it's become obvious that they are serious. She is 25 and living with us wh...


When Do You Call Your Marriage Quits???

B.P. asks from Jacksonville

I'm not sure when you should call your marraige quits. I 've always thoght that your first five years of marriage were your "honeymoon" years. The happiest I have bee...


Letting Go, How To? Not About Death

M.G. asks from Seattle

Okay I am having horrible baby fever, hardcore. I just turned 31 but tied my after the birth of my son. I'm horribly saddened by the fact that all the b...


15 What to Do....

K.S. asks from Columbus

I have two boys 15 and 13.. My 15 year old is in his 1st year of high school.. He is flunking every subject. My husband and I have had teacher meetings with each teac...


For Parents Who Chose to Homeschool

J.U. asks from Norfolk

I think for our son homeschooling is an real option to consider. I am not going to list my reasons as I want this question to stay going in a specific direction. ...


What Did I Do Wrong? Son Related Issues.

M.L. asks from Atlanta

The last couple of times I talked to my son, he seemed angry with me. He doesn't want to talk to me right now. A little background: Right now he is at college. Th...

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Answer Highlights

  • transfer without your permission in 2 answers "Technically he is an adult and could transfer without your permission."
  • make their own decisions in 2 answers "... like." Sometimes being the Mom is letting them make their own decisions."
  • marine biologist in 3 answers "I am a marine biologist with a lot of work experience in marine science, fisheries ..."
  • make his own decisions in 2 answers "He's old enough to make his own decisions and should be able to attend the college ..."
  • let him do what he wants in 2 answers "Yes.... let him do what he wants.... why does he have to live the life YOU want?"