pets for kids

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Results 101-110 from 5,360 articles

Dogs That Are Good with Kids

L.R. asks from Dallas

My husband is FINALLY thinking about letting me and the kids get a dog, however I dont know which ones are best with kids. i don't want a little dog, my son will squa...


My Kids Dont Miss Me :(

S.K. asks from Denver

My kids 6 & 4 went on a week long trip with nana and papa to see their cousins. This is day #3 that they have been gone and Im missing them like crazy and I go to tal...


Dog Breeds That Are Good with Kids

E.M. asks from Phoenix

We are considering getting our first dog. We do have some allergies so the dog has to be short hair and low maintance. We have a 2 and 5 year old so it also has to ...


Getting Kids to Clean!!

A.H. asks from Fort Smith

I'm very curious as to know what age you guys start giving your children chores and teaching them to clean up their own messes. A friend and I got into this debate. I...


Who Can Pick up the Kids

M.S. asks from Chicago

My ex wants his new wife to pick up the kids from school...I don't agree. I'm the residential parent...and we do have the right of first refusal. He works until ...


Are We Raising a Generation of Helpless Kids?

A.B. asks from Pittsburgh

I'm not a big huffpo reader, but came across this article on a friend's FB page:


Christmas Gifts for Kids

C.L. asks from Phoenix

Hi all, I am thinking of Christmas already. It is just around the corner. I was wondering if you can provided sugesstions for what a 7 year old girl would like o...


Raising Kids with or Without Church

E.M. asks from New York

My husband and I have very similar histories with church and religion in our lives - we both grew up going to church every Sunday with our families, both decided duri...


Do I Need a Minivan with Three Kids?

H.J. asks from Nashville

Hi, I have two kids (3.5 and 2) and a third one on the way. My husband thinks we need a minivan to fit all these people with car seats in a car... but I don't feel...


Tv in a Kids Room?

K.N. asks from Harrisburg

Okay, I always said I don't think kids should have a tv in their room, studies say kids without get better grades etc.,but my oldest daughter really wants one, and ha...

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