periods close together

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M.. asks from St. Louis

Do people really sleep with their newborns? I would love to sleep with my baby, but I am way too scared it would hurt her. Do people really do this? Does your pe...


Keeping Distance When a Child Might Want Not Too

J.G. asks from Chicago

As some of you have older kids, I'm hoping someone has a polite way to not let a child play with another child. We are going camping with a large group of people,...


Infant Not Nursing Well

K.P. asks from Denver

My son was born 4 weeks ago (at 37.5 weeks--so he was a little early, but fine). I am having a terrible time nursing despite advice from nurses and lactation consult...


Daughter's Breakup After 7 Years.

D.S. asks from New York

My daughter who just turned 24 ended her 7 year relationship with her boyfriend. He is turning 23 next month. Here is my issue. She seems fine, thank god, but he is b...


Being a New Mom, How Much of It Is Common Sense? or Must You Read Read Read?

S.2. asks from Flagstaff

I'm a first time mother 39 weeks today. My sister and I live together she's 35 weeks pregnant. I've always felt like there is only so much you can get out of textbo...


Son Is Getting Attached to My Mom

R.M. asks from Austin

Hi everyone please help I feel really bad. It all started with us moving away from our families because of my hubby's job. I didn't know anybody here and it's been h...


Handling Competitive Inlaws/cousins

M.D. asks from Boston

I am looking for advice in handling a sticky situation with relatives living very close by. We have children the same ages and it seems as though my 'inlaws' (brothe...


Breastfeeding and Fertility

E.M. asks from Chicago

Hello, My daughter is almost one. She nurses 3 times a day. I have not yet gotten my period. My husband and I would like a sibling close in age for our daughter. S...


What Would You Do?

S.H. asks from New York

I want to start off by admitting to having a bit of OCD when it comes to cleanliness. That said I have a question. If someone you were very close to didn't wash their...


7 Days Late- Going Crazy- Please Help!

C.S. asks from Houston

Okay, I had a paragaurd IUD put in over a month ago and I should have started my first period after having it put in- I'm now 7 days late. I took a test on Sunday whi...

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