paint removal

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Results 61-70 from 246 articles

Homeowners Association

A.L. asks from Lincoln

So my husband really wants to buy a half acre of land (it's at an extremely reasonable price) and build a house that will finally fit our whole family. (We're fittin...


MOLD In Our Home! I Need Advice!!

M.R. asks from Boca Raton

Okay...before I set myself into a full panic, let me ask the Mom's and experienced pro's here on Mamapedia what they would do in this case. I live in Florida and we h...


Pet Stains

J.W. asks from Kansas City

I have question I'm helping a lady that has a pet stain on her carpet,I took my shampooer over and pet order and stain removal stuff but the stain is still there.Does...


How to Remove Crayon from Laminate Cabinets and Glass...

B.A. asks from Tampa

My oh-so-creative 2 year old left her mark - purple crayon to be specific - all over my white laminate cabinets and glass oven door. Any suggestions for successful re...


Dog Urine Odor

R.B. asks from La Crosse

We recently tore up our carpet and there is one area where our dog would hide and urinate on the carpet. Now even with the carpet up it still smells really bad. The...


Stained Linoleum Question

L.O. asks from Provo

I purchased some kitchen rugs with a black border from Bed Bath and Beyond to match my kitchen. Well when they got wet (doing dishes, etc) the black border stained my...


How Do Yo Deal with an Issue at School

B.F. asks from Bellingham

i am hoping there are some mom's that work at schools or who have had a similar problem that can tell me how to deal with it..... I paid for my daughter (9yrs old) t...


Lead Level in Our 13 Month Old

C.S. asks from New York

Hello all. Our 13 month old daughter had her one year test for lead and anemia a month ago and her lead level came back at a 5. Of course, I was upset with this as ...


Anyone Know Anything About Lead Exposure?

M.C. asks from Cleveland

This is a long story, so please bear with me. I have a 13 month old baby. 5 months ago we moved into an older rental house. Our landlord is a good friend of ours. ...


Activites with Goals

L.M. asks from Chicago

TIA for reading my lengthy post!! :) So my husband and I believe that the kids should be in an activity that teaches them to set a goal for themselves and work to ...

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