organizing clutter

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Results 51-60 from 343 articles

Toy Organization

I.X. asks from Los Angeles

does any one on this site feel they have mastered the clutter of toys/ parts and pieces? Tell me, what is your secret?


Selling a House and Moving...

B.B. asks from Chicago

We are going to be putting our house on the market. What do we need to do to sell it? We are also looking at other homes, what are typically people getting for askin...


Has Anyone Ever Used a Professional Organizer?

J.G. asks from New York

Is it worth the cost? My house is very cluttered and I just can't find the time/energy to de-clutter! I need to throw out the old, organize what we have, and get a sy...


Need Help Getting Organized

A.B. asks from Detroit

I am looking for someone to come into my home and help me get organized. I am a busy mother of one who is a full time student. My husband works full time and is goi...


Looking for Meticulous Housekeeper in the Colony

E.S. asks from Dallas

I need someone to come and help me organize the clutter in my house!! I do not have time to do it with twin toddlers and dont even know where to start and it is makin...



M.L. asks from Raleigh

Hi! I'm attempting to take on the task of organizing my garage and my bedroom. Does anyone have any advice? I've been online reading articles. The ones from reals...


Shoe Organization Help Needed for Family of 6

A.D. asks from Portland

I have a family of 6, including me and my husband. We have a 19 year old girl, 18 year old boy, 6 y/o girl, and a 4 y/o girl. We are drowning in shoes. We have...


Am I a Clean Freak?!

S.J. asks from St. Louis

I clean our house once per week, and do small pick ups throughout the week as needed. Our house is usually "messy" with toys and such laying around. I try to keep u...


Is Change Possible?

P.G. asks from Dallas

We're getting ready to sell our home and I am so annoyed with my lack of cleaning and clutter management skills. It just piles up but not at hoarder levels. It just g...


How in the World Do You Do It All?

H.M. asks from Columbia

Hey Mamas, I'm having one of those Sundays when I woke up and hit the house hard. Cleaning out closets and organizing... projects galore. I"m getting so frustrated w...

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Answer Highlights

  • holds about 10 pairs in 2 answers "... and the other side is for my younger daughter). It holds about 10 pairs ..."
  • interview several realtors in 2 answers "Interview several realtors to find out what they would do to sell your home."
  • coat closet on the floor in 2 answers "I keep ours in the coat closet on the floor for during the day."
  • each persons closet in 2 answers "nice shoes are kept in each person's closet."
  • flip flops in 4 answers "Also keep only the season appropriate ones on hand. Flip-flops in the way during ..."