Hi Everyone. I just purchased some Ovulation Predictor Sticks off of Ebay. My question is, I've never used these and when I did use one this morning, I got the test...
Ok so my LMP was Aug 22nd. I started using OPK about day 13 of cycle. Got my FIRST POSITIVE on CD 15 then it went back to negative like it usually does. I've tested o...
What's your take on using an ovulation kit to determine when you're ovulating? We're trying to conceive our second child (the first was a surprise), so I'm curious w...
I am wondering if any of you have had any good or bad experiance with those ovulation tests. Which brands have you tried etc.....Have you tried them after birth contr...
I would like to start using an OPK (ovulation Predictor kit) but don't know how to go about it or which one to get. Can you tell me which is reliable and when I would...
So I became pregnant last month using an ovulation kit and then miscarried :( I don't have to wait to try again because I didn't have to have a D&C. Now I should be o...
Has anyone ever tried the "First Response One-Step Ovulation Predictor Test" or something similar? There is also the "Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor Test Sticks" bu...
Hello my name is M. and I am looking for some advice on using the ovulation prediction kits. My husband and I just started trying to get pregnant and I was thinking a...
I'm just curious how many moms out there have tried the ovulation predictor kits... Have you found them to be helpful? Accurate? We've been trying to conceive anothe...