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Mom's Group

R. asks from Chicago

First time mom (of 3 week old boy) looking to join or start a support group for young moms like me. I was hoping to be part of a fun group who could meet up occasiona...


The Mom Team

S.T. asks from Kansas City

I keep reading about the MOM team if there is anybody that does this please let me know I've tried a few work at home scams and I'm scared to make that leap again but...


New to Hudson, Looking for Mom's Group or Activities

A.W. asks from Tampa

We are new to the area and I'm trying to find things for myself and my boys (2 and 11 months) to do. I stay home with my kids so I'm looking for ways to fill the day...


New Recipes???

T.C. asks from Minneapolis

I am starting to get sick of the same things for dinner and need to keep the grocery bill down as much as possible. I am wondering if any of you other moms out there ...


New Wife!

D.M. asks from San Antonio

My ex just got remarried to a girl he only new for 3 mths, we have 2 children together one is 2.5 the other is 8mths old. He is not seen the youngest child, he left b...


Mean Mom

M.W. asks from Boise

How do you respectfully deal with a mother who calls you up for no reason other than to tell you that you are a bad mom. Then, when you tell her that she is not help...


Any Homebirth Mom's Out There?

A.B. asks from San Antonio

I am planning a homebirth for our second baby and am very excited about it! Are there any other mom's out there that have had a good homebirth or natural birth expiri...


Resources to Assist New Single Mom with Kids

K.W. asks from St. Louis

I live in North County and wanted to know what are some Rent/Mortgage resources to assist a single mom with kids. Thanks for your help. :)


New in Nyc/manhattan

K.S. asks from New York

Hello, my name is K., I'm 34 years old and I'm sorry to say that I will do 50 or so faults per post because my english is absolutly terrible... I promise to go ou...


Negative Mom

A.D. asks from Chicago

My mother has been so negative lately. She has nothing good to say about anything. Long story short, she feels it is her duty to tell everyone around her how they s...

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