National Guard

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Results 151-160 from 358 articles


R.B. asks from Charlotte

Does anyone know anything else that will comfort a teething baby besides Orajel? My almost four month old daughter has teeth coming in at the back and the front of h...


3Yr Old Granddaughter Having a Horrible Time with Her Parents Divorce

L.M. asks from Cleveland

My 3, almost 4yr old granddaughter is having a terrible time with her parents divorce. Her mommy is the custodial parent and the constant in the "parental" front. La...


Need Help Getting More Parenting Time Through Courts Against My Parents

H.E. asks from Grand Junction

2 years ago my parents took my 3 children from my husband and I. They gave us visits through social services and we played their (mom and dad) games. They would get m...


LASIK Surgery

S.H. asks from Huntsville

I have been looking forward to having LASIK surgery done someday, as I've had glasses since 2nd grade and they are awful now! I'm so blind! haha I am hoping some o...


18 Month Old Baby Has diarrhea...suggestions Please!

L.G. asks from Clarksville

Okay, here's what's going on. Starting yesterday evening, my 18 month old daughter has had diarrhea, a low grade fever and absolutely no appetite. Today, she has no...


My Husband's Boss Is Forcing Him to Work with Swine Flu.

E.L. asks from Detroit

This isn't really mom-related, but you guys are so great at giving advice, I thought I'd give it a shot. My family has been infected with what we think is the swin...


Military Mommas, PTSD Questions

P.M. asks from Honolulu

Alright, so DH has been back for 18 months after his year-long deployment (that seriously kicked his butt, had a lot of combat and lost a few unit members) and is jus...


8Th Grade Son Wants to Go to Washington DC Trip with Middle school....I'm Scared

K.C. asks from Los Angeles

My 8th grade son wants to travel to DC with his school. I THINK it will be a good experience, but it makes me sick to my stomach thinking of him being away for a wee...


Dad's Deploying

L.C. asks from Dayton

My husband will be deploying to a dangerous part of the world for about six months. We still have a little bit of time, but the day is approaching far faster than I ...


Separated but Spending Time Together as a Family

A.F. asks from Denver

My husband and I separated about 2 months ago. The kids and I are staying with my parents about an hour away from our home. My husband still lives in the home. He and...

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Answer Highlights

  • former navy wife in 2 answers "I am a former Navy wife as well."
  • teething tablets in 5 answers "I second the vote for "Teething Tablets""
  • wear sunglasses in 3 answers "... and I think for about a month?? until things healed he had to wear sunglasses ..."
  • teething rings in 4 answers "Also I don't know if you have been trying the cold teething rings, but my kids liked ..."
  • washcloth in the freezer in 2 answers "I found that putting a wet clean washcloth in the freezer until its ""