my baby sweats a lot

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Postpardom Depression Advice

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I'm wondering if I should seek help for my depression. I am a first time mother of an energetic 11 month old. I love being a mother, but I feel that is my only iden...


A Question About Getting Dressed for Sahms

K.J. asks from Nashville

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Losing the Weight

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My husband and I are done having children, and he has done the vasectomy thing. Thus, I am considering stopping the Pill (Yasmin) except for one thing: it really help...


Packing and Road Trip

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My family and I are taking a road trip to a beach house this summer. Traveling with a six and one year old. I tend to overpack but haven't traveled for a week with a...


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Feeling Disconnected with Husband for past Few Months

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Breastfeeding and Homones

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Hi everyone I just came home from the hospital, I had a baby by c-section on Friday. She's a peanut she's under 6 pounds. My milk has come in and my breasts/nipples h...


Ok So Is It Just Me or Can Anyone Else Share Rough Pregnancy stories..PLEASE!!!!

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Answer Highlights

  • bio identical hormone replacement in 2 answers "... dangers). You can find out more by googling "bio-identical hormone replacement ..."
  • la leche league in 12 answers "I got in touch with La leche league - they were sooooo helpful."
  • basic first aid kit in 2 answers "I always take a thermometer and a basic first aid kit."
  • soothies gel pads in 2 answers "As for soreness the best things ever were Soothies gel pads sold at the drug store ..."
  • bio identical hormones in 3 answers "... First, have you talked with your doctor about bio-identical hormones?"