my baby sweats a lot

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I Need Some Parenting Advise, Please!!

J.R. asks from Rapid City

I have a 3 year old who had finally gotten potty trained in Nov. He has done really well with it and only has had a few accidents overnight. I also have an 8 week o...


Not So Glamorous

N.P. asks from Mobile

Do you ever feel "not so glamorous"? Before I got pregnant with my first child, I felt awesome! I always had my hair colored/highlighted. Had my nails done, eye brows...


At What Age Should a Child Be Able to Dress Themselves?

K.M. asks from Denver

Hi there! So I have a 3 1/2 year old son with SPD and with that has horrible motor planning issues. Some things that he should be doing are obvious to me, like he s...


Hair Loss After Pregnancy and Now a Thin Coif

S.P. asks from Albuquerque

I have read some that it is normal to loose hair after giving birth. I lost it in droves! The excessive loss has slowed down now 8 months later, but my hair is thin. ...


Inevitable Clogged Milk Ducts and No Relief

V.B. asks from Philadelphia

My son is 11 days old and I've decided to breast feed from the beginning. However, it's been difficult to establish a normal routine of feedings because my husband's ...


Sahms- Question About Getting Ready for the Day

K.J. asks from Nashville

If you are staying home with your baby all day and have no plans to go anywhere (no errands for the day), do you still get dressed and ready- ex. do you fix your hair...


Nonstop breastfeeding...normal?

H.L. asks from Boca Raton

My son goes through these spurts about twice a week where he cannot get enough of my breast. Last night, for example, he nursed for about two hours. He could have c...


5 Yr Old with Smelly Armpits

A.P. asks from San Francisco

I wanted to know if anyone has dealt with this situation with their child & what to do about it. I have a 5 yr old girl that has had very stinky armpits for about 3 w...


Stay at Home Moms...

L.B. asks from Stationed Overseas

How do you keep from feeling like all you are is a maid and babysitter? I've been home since the beginning of last year for various reasons. I normally work outside...


First Trip to a Salon - Need Advice!!

M.L. asks from Pittsfield

ok - before you assume I'm a hick - I'm 34 year old young at heart active mama who has a whole lot of style, but hasn't had a haircut in closer to 16 years now! I've ...

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