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Sicking for Mom Whose Husband Is in the Military

A.P. asks from New York

Hey lovely moms, I hope some of you is able to help me here. Just recently my husband told me that he will be going overseas for one year starting August 2014 to Aug...


Need Help Explaining What a Military Tank Does

K.P. asks from New York

So my 3 1/2 year old son and I went to a yard sale yesterday and he immediately spotted this military tank. The batteries weren't working in it, and to be honest, I ...


Helping Daughter Cope with Her Uncle Going into the Military

T.S. asks from Utica

I have 2 daughter's from a pervious marriage and my oldest just turned 10. She is my "drama queen" ( ha ha) I just ( actually the WHOLE family) just found out that he...


Advice from Military Moms and Other Questions . . . SWH Added

P.1. asks from San Francisco

So, today is the day my son decides if he is going to enter the military. I don't know all the "ins and outs" of this process, but it sounds like after he gives his ...


Military Husband Returns Numb from Iraq

S.M. asks from Jacksonville

Not sure where to begin. I am 40 yrs old and have been married to the most gentle and kind hearted man for 6 years. We have a beautiful 5yr old son. My husband is in ...


Know of a Group That Would Send Kids' Artwork Overseas for Military Personnel?

N.D. asks from Chicago

I'm looking to plan a craft day with my moms group and would like give the children a lesson in giving. Does anyone know of a group that would collect drawings/art pr...


Boarding or Military School for Teen Girl?

G.S. asks from Lexington

My 16 year old stepdaughter moved in with us this past summer and we live 1500 miles from her mom. She had being doing pretty bad the past few years -- failing school...


On-Line Support Groups for Military Moms

A.M. asks from Austin

My brother was deployed to Afghanistan last week, and my mother is NOT taking it well. She has, in fact, not been taking it well since she heard of the possibility h...


I Feel Abandoned by My Military Husband; I Am Pregnant and Have Two Children

D.O. asks from Los Angeles

My husband is stationed only 1 hour away from our home, but he insists on staying close to the base and only coming home on the weekends. You guessed it, I'm raising...


Military Families...(Best Military Bases)*IN YOUR OPINION*

T.H. asks from Philadelphia

Hello, A close friend recommended this site to me hopefully I can find the answers I need. My husband is Active Duty Army he needs to give three locations where h...

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Answer Highlights

  • live like a single man in 2 answers "I have always told him that he wants to live like a single man with no familial obligations ..."
  • moving closer to the base in 2 answers "... job takes him every day, is there any possibility of moving closer to the base ..."
  • other military wives in 2 answers "I would also reach out to the other military wives in his unit....."
  • family readiness group in 2 answers "I would recommend asking the soldier to get with his FRG (family readiness group ..."
  • minutes from the base in 2 answers "We own a home ~45-50 minutes from the base."