mature woman

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Results 131-140 from 2,909 articles

Gap Year Between High School and College

M.M. asks from Washington DC

I hope the answers help the mamas who are trying to decide whether or not to skip their 5 and 6 year olds. My daughter is 16. She skipped 2nd. We are now at a ...


Please Help! My Man Is VERY Insecure!!!!!

A.H. asks from Las Vegas

My kid's father and I have had a rough past. We stepped into our relationship very fast but fell in love right away. He has cheated on me and just confessed and reali...


Eggs... to Donate or Not to Donate???

C.J. asks from Dallas

II was browsing through the 'Suburban Parent' magazine that I picked up from my 14 month old son's daycare. And I ran across an ad from the Center for Assisted Reprod...


When Did You Tell Your Daughter About Sex?

A.M. asks from Chicago

I know that maturity and level of interest and/or exposure to information really affect this, but at what age did some of you explain sex to your daughters? Mine is ...


Update to the Cops Being Called!

R.D. asks from Richmond

Apparently, this crazy old bat thinks she's her own neighborhood watch. There is a couple with an infant and a 2 year old boy on the next street over, who also go ...


Question for Married Women Only

D.J. asks from Atlanta

Lately my housband has become controlling and I told him that I refuse to be in a controlling relationship. He says that he is not and to ask other married women. Tha...


Is It Normal Behavior for My Boyfriend to Keep Me Hidden from His Daughter?

L.R. asks from Austin

I've been dating someone for over 1 1/2 years. He has a daughter that lives with her mother in Louisiana. I haven't met his daughter nor anyone from his family. He...


What Impacts Does Autism Have on Siblings?

J.T. asks from Sacramento

My ex husband is in a serious relationship with a woman who has a son that has been diagnosed with a sensory disorder. Basically, he is autistic but on the low side ...


Am I Overreacting?

A.D. asks from Dallas

We were at my 10yo daughter's softball party earlier. We were at a park and all the kids were playing. One of her teammates has a little brother the same age as my 4y...


Having a Hard Time Emotionally Dealing with Selling Much Loved Home

B.D. asks from Houston

To make a very long story short, my husband and I are putting our home that we have lived in for 10 years on the market due to financial issues. Though this is somet...

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