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Related Questions & Answers

Results 181-190 from 213 articles

COUPONS??? How to Get Grocery Bill Down.

S.B. asks from Milwaukee

Ok, So My husband and I eat a lot of fresh food. I really love to cook and I tend to stay out of the middle isles of the grocery stores unless I have to get ingredie...


How Do People Afford Those Huge Mcmansions??

A.G. asks from Boston

Farms and wooded areas have all been turned into dead end street with one after another after another of these HUGE homes with garages and whatnot... now my husband ...


Spring Cleaning with Eco Friendly Products

C.M. asks from Cleveland

Although I have been doing SPRING CLEANING, for many years, I would like to know if anyone out there has any suggestions of products to use that are affective, inexp...


Newly Diagnosed with Peanut Allergy - HELP!

K.S. asks from Boston

My daughter was just diagnosed with a peanut allergy. We had started a month ago with a dot of peanut butter on her lips and no reaction. So, we moved up to a cracker...


Skin on Face Is Red and Dry

C.M. asks from New York

Hi...does anyone have any suggestion for facial cream to help with red and dry skin? The skin on my face seems to be getting more red and dryer than usual. I have a...


"Behind Your Back: a Documentary About Bainport" Will You See It?

☆.A. asks from Pittsburgh

Has anyone been following the Bainport, IL situation? Has anyone watched "Behind Your Back: A Documentary About Bainport"? Thoughts? Would you recommend it? Do...


Gagging on Prenatals!

L.L. asks from Seattle

I know taking prenatal vitamins is very important for a healthy pregnancy. However, every time I have taken my prenatals lately, I am gagging significantly. I also ...


Anchor Babies

P.S. asks from Houston

This was brought up during tonight's GOP debate in Vegas. Anchor babies are babies born on American soil to illegal mothers who have crossed our border illegally jus...


Beginning to Eat Organic

J.S. asks from St. Louis

My family is considering beginning to eat organically. I'm not sure where to start. We don't have endless funds, so budget is definately a consideration. How do yo...



K.D. asks from Minneapolis

Just wondering... Anyone chosen not to vaccinate your baby? I am very nervous about the vaccinations. My daughter has already had her 2 month and 4 month shots- So ma...

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Answer Highlights

  • green leafy veggies in 2 answers "I ended up eating really well- lots of organic, green leafy veggies, as well as lots ..."
  • eco friendly products in 5 answers "I swapped last Fall over to eco-friendly products and my allergies (that I never even ..."
  • carry an epi pen in 2 answers "Some allergists are over the top (ours wanted us to carry an epi pen, we do not we ..."
  • botanically based product in 2 answers "It's a natural botanically based product."
  • illegal immigrants in 5 answers "I don't love illegal immigrants, and friends of mine who are Mexican hate it when ..."