Dear C., I'm an Ayurvedic health consultant with an orientation to balance in life according to the 5 elements (space, air, fire, water and earth) based on 5 components for health: diet, relationship, lifestyle, bodymind consciousness and spiritual practice. When "dry, red skin" is the issue, the immediate indication is not enough space leading to an accumulation and excess of air (dryness) and fire (heat, red), which are being eliminated through the pores (also suggesting that the colon, the primary organ of elimination of these elements, isn't doing its job properly - air and space are both needed for proper elimination. Do you have a tendency towards constipation alternating with diarrhea?)
Superficially, a natural cooling and soothing skin cream - such as a good quality Chinese pearl cream with all natural ingredients or Bee Yummy Skin Food from would be helpful, but there are deeper issues that must be addressed also. Keep in mind and remember that symptomatic relief is only skin-deep, literally in your case. In the long run, discovering and addressing the cause is much more important.
Fire and air are both active elements. Briefly, air is, by nature, cold, dry, rough, harsh, moving, changing (think of the friction of wind). It ignites fire, which is spreading (because of air), hot (because of movement and friction), keen, sharp, penetrating. In excess, they aggravate each other. (Perhaps this shows up in your relationships as well.) Air needs space for movement, both of which feed fire: fire goes out without air and space. The emotional byproduct of fire is anger with issues of control, which may come up as a result of the underlying emotional byproduct of air, which is fear, anxiety, insecurity. One could say that fire, or anger, is a natural, unconscious defense mechanism for air, or fear, anxiety and insecurity.
At first glance, it looks like you're very busy, with excess activity and change at the root of the problem. Do you tend to eat "fast" foods, overly processed and ready-made to accommodate a busy lifestyle? Whereas these are usually so overly-processed they aren't very nourishing, they don't tend to process very well in the bodymind. Where is the "romance" in them? Is there time for the romance of eating, and having real relationship with food and family, or is that a thing of the past?
Ideally, you will slow down and smell the roses, literally. The fragrances of good quality rose oil and sandalwood are very cooling and calming when too much fire and air are involved in so many aspects of your life. Forgive me for saying so, but it doesn't sound like there is much room or time in your life to have another child at this point. Don't you think it is rushing things to try to have another one, regardless of the reasons? Children, especially embryos, are in a slow time of life - accumulating lots of earth and water for the long haul. They need lots of time, space, love, nurturing. Too much air and fire, without much time or space, doesn't give them the beginning that they need for the long haul. This will not only have a deleterious effect on the health and well-being of the family you already have, it will have an effect on your next child as well.
Your symptoms are trying to tell you something, something you need to "face". Better to slow down and really enjoy, savor, what you have now, and wait awhile, until life is in a more healthy balance, before adding another life to juggle.
All the best, Sumitra