My grandson is 3 yrs old and started preschool twice a week. Up til now he has always been with his parents or grandmas, or grandpas. He is the first grandchild. H...
I have the task of shopping for my Mom for my kids' x-mas gifts.
Its too hard for her to figure out... or she ends up at the mall, cruising around and literally call...
... is there a support group? Did Robin William's mother survive his childhood, or was she committed at some point?
My 7yo has always always always loved to make p...
I'm having a birthday party for my girls, turning 6 and 4. There will only be two cousins there (4 and 3.5 years old), so total of 4 children. I planned for the part...
I feel divided on this. On one hand I feel that I should be keeping them highly entertain constantly (playdates, indoor activities, outdoor activities etc.) and on th...
I'm having trouble functioning for 10 days. I'm angry or crying or frustrated and have a migrane the whole time. My period lasts for about 7 days and by the end of ...
I watch children in my home. The oldest child I watch is 3 almost three and a half. I have been watching her since she was 4 months old and I now watch her baby sis...
My little boy can be so sweet at times. At other times, he can be a bear! This is true of all children, I know. But, I think his emotions swing more often and more...
My daughter just turned four last month and she is an only child. She attends daycare now but when the summer comes, I cannot afford to send her (I wish I could to ke...