jobs career

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Results 71-80 from 2,371 articles

What Kind of Jobs Are Available for Mothers Who Wish to Work at Home?

N.R. asks from Chicago

What types of work at home jobs really exist?


Career Day at Kindergarten!

T.S. asks from Indianapolis

Does anyone have good advice on how to have a good career day???


How Can You Get Real Work at Home Jobs??

M.E. asks from Chicago

hi i am a stay at home mom with my 10 month old daughter Samantha i have recently asked a question but i do have another one my boyfriend is the only one working and ...


Help Me Be More Positive About My Husband Changing Jobs?

K.B. asks from San Francisco

I'm sorry if this kind of thing has been asked before, but I feel like I'm going crazy and need to get this off my chest. At the beginning of this year my husband...


Work, Maybe Stay Home, Career to Go in Just Not Sure??

D.S. asks from Los Angeles

I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old. I have stayed home for 3 years now, and I love it but would eventually like to go back to work when my children go to school. ...


Life at 37, Balancing Career, Kids and Trying to Find Peace in Myself.

T.D. asks from Sacramento

Hello everyone, I am a working 37 year old mom with two kids, 7 and 2 years old. I've been finding it really hard and overwhelming to figure out what I want to do i...


Husband's Mid-life Career Exhaustion- Is This Normal?

K.S. asks from Denver

My husband is something of a workaholic, and really he tends to overdo everything he gets involved in. Like a dive head-first kind of guy. He is a hard worker, and ha...


"Work at Home" Career - Job

M.K. asks from Dallas

Looking for a "Work at Home" career. Nothing that is a scam, nothing to buy or sell. This needs to be legit. Nothing fake!! Something other than childcare. I have a c...


Former Career Woman, Now Full Time SAHM

D.C. asks from Pittsburgh

Hello! I am an older first time mom -worked for 16 years after college in corp America and had my own house, life, etc...did not get married until I was almost 37. ...


Career Change Advice

M.B. asks from Denver

Hello mamas, I'm in a career rut and am looking to make a change. I have been out of work for almost one year (was in non-profit management), and finally after lo...

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Answer Highlights

  • becomes a police officer in 2 answers "... put retirement savings on hold, emergency funds if he becomes a police officer ..."
  • him to follow his dreams in 2 answers "IMO you should encourage him to follow his dreams."
  • real estate office in 3 answers "I would call a real estate office and ask to shadow an agent for a day."
  • being a police officer in 2 answers "There is an upper age limit. Being a police officer is very physical - he'd have ..."
  • domestic goddess in 3 answers "Being a SAHM shouldn't mean that you have to be a Domestic Goddess."