i hate babies

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K.S. asks from Topeka

This is going to sound like a stupid question. I am just at 12 wks and was supposed to have my first check-up w/ my doctor today to listen for the heartbeat. I had to...


Back Vs. Tummy Sleep

K.H. asks from Phoenix

Hi moms... I always put my babies to sleep on their backs but recently my almost 5 month old son started rolling over on to his tummy in the middle of the night and s...


Seeking Individual/orginization to Donate Used Baby Items To

R.G. asks from Chicago

My twin boys have outgrown all of their 0 - 3, 3 - 6, and 6 - 9 month clothing and I would love to donate them to someone who needs/wants them. I hate the idea of gi...


Evil Aspirator

L.V. asks from San Diego

My 8-month old has a stuffy nose and can't sleep through night. I'm using a saline spray, a cool mist humidifier and an aspirator. We hate the aspirator! It doesn't ...


Good Summery Meal for New Mommy

J.V. asks from Chicago

OK ladies, two friends are overdue with babies, so I'm going to need to make them some meals real soon. I was going to just make something to throw in the oven, but t...


Confrontation with SIL- Am I Wrong???

M.D. asks from Dallas

First let me apologize if this is long and rambling. My brother and SIL came to visit this weekend with their 4 kids. (ages 9,7 and twins that are almost 1) They a...


Tubes Tied

R.V. asks from San Francisco

So I have another question. My husband and I are sure we are done having babies after this one. I am considering having my tubes tied since I am having a c-section it...


Colic Calm

C.V. asks from San Francisco

After every feeding, my 7 week old daughter was all fussy, crying, uncomfortable, and irritated. At her 2 month check, her pedi diagnosed that she has reflux. Both he...


Have Anyone Ever Used Rubber Pants or Plastic Pants When Cloth Diapering?

S.C. asks from Tuscaloosa

I was just wondering if there was anyone that used rubber/plastic pants when cloth diapering their babies? I find that they work great and are very economical. If so...


December Baby

A.L. asks from Alexandria

Hi Mamas, I'm wanting some feedback on having babies in December. Those of you who either have a baby in the month or you yourself have a birthday then. We are tryin...

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Answer Highlights

  • used cloth diapers and rubber pants in 2 answers "I used cloth diapers and rubber pants (plastic pants) with both of my boys with no ..."
  • vicks vapor rub in 2 answers "also put a small dot of vicks vapor rub just under B.'s nose..and chest.. i also ..."
  • took about 5 extra minutes in 2 answers "... tied at the same time of my second C and I think it took about 5 extra minutes."
  • had no side effects in 3 answers "I had the procedure done in May during my c-section and have had no side effects at ..."
  • rubber or plastic pants in 2 answers "I did use the rubber or plastic pants while using the cloth diapers."