i hate babies

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Results 101-110 from 10,725 articles

Changing My Babies New Found 5:00 a.m. Schedule?

I.X. asks from Los Angeles

So now that its dark in the morning, my 6:30 or 7:00 a.m. baby now wakes at 5:00 or 5:30. I could suck it up and adjust but my three year old who takes a three hour ...


Tickling Question

A.H. asks from Dallas

Is the laughing from tickling a result from pleasure or pain? I know people like to tickle babies because babies laugh so much from it, but I for my part hate ticklin...


Diaper Poll

L.R. asks from Detroit

SO far I have tried Target Diapers, Babies R Us Diapers and Swaddlers. I hate hate hate Target diapers, does anyone have any opinion on Walmart Brand Diapers and Cost...


Needing to Get Rid of the Pacifire....

S.H. asks from Lafayette

My daughter is 9 months old and she loves her pacifier! I on the otherhand hate it. I don't like seeing babies that can walk have a pacifire in there mouth. I was won...


Do You Sing to Baby?

L.L. asks from Topeka

All I ever do is sing and i'm no singer but it's a tone that babies love I have done this and don't even notice it anymore I probably do it in public.Would you stare ...



C.W. asks from San Angelo

Hi everyone, I have a HUGE favor! I HATE HATE HATE needles. Not like everyone else though. I pass out with any kind of blood work (even a finger prick). This is not...


Getting Snippy with Your Mother

H.X. asks from Los Angeles

I love when my mother comes to visit. How is it when she is here, I get snippy with her? I get pissed when she does things the way I don't do them: wiping babies m...


Baby Bedding

N.P. asks from Mobile

I have been looking for baby bedding. I can't find any I absolutely love. I have stalked babies r us, nothing that I like. I don't want anything themed or babyish. I ...


Lose the Baby Weight

M.H. asks from Oklahoma City

I have two babies under the age of two and am not losing weight easily. I am tired of people telling me I still look pregnant. Any advice on how to lose this weight w...


Let Baby Cry

S.M. asks from Portland

My friend says it is OK to let my baby cry, that crying is good for babies. She only cries if she is hungry or she wants me to hold her (she wants me to hold her all ...

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Answer Highlights

  • infant mortality rate in 2 answers "... the death rate of women during childbirth as well as the infant mortality rate ..."
  • huge fear of needles in 2 answers "I also have a huge fear of needles, although I didn't pass out I would have panic ..."
  • your fear of needles in 3 answers "Discuss your fear of needles with your doctor, and let your doctor know that you usually ..."
  • bloodwork during pregnancy in 2 answers "I think for me, having to go more frequently for bloodwork during pregnancy actually ..."
  • hundreds of years women in 2 answers "Yes, for hundreds of years women had babies with no prenatal care."