how to make money the

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Husband and Money

J.F. asks from South Bend

Ok, my husband has worked at the same place for three years now. He makes good money considering he has no college education or knows any skilled trades. Next week ...


Almost Out of Money

E.S. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms. I am not sure if anyone can help but it is worth a try. My husband has been out of work since the summer. He is a software engineer. He has applied for s...


Other Money Options?

L.V. asks from Dallas

Hi, Mamas! I am a home daycare provider, and it's okay, but I don't really enjoy it. I don't get to do the things I want to do with my kids, and I feel like they'...


Counterfeit Money

A.D. asks from New York

My MIL was given counterfeit money (two $100 bills). She believes it was given to her at her bank of all places and did not realize it until she went to pay for somet...


Money During Christmas

L.F. asks from Monroe

I am not a Christmasy person. I don't enjoy all the rush and nonstop Christmas music, etc. I guess you can say I'm kind of a Scrooge when it comes to Christmas. Th...


Inlaws and Money

K.R. asks from Sherman

not sure exactly what i am trying to ask here.... my mother in law raise her 3 boys on the own. one of which began to have children early. He has always cared for, w...


What Do You Do to save Money?

N.R. asks from Boston

I have seen a lot of folks talking about the economy and saving money. What do you guys do? I shop on my own web portal of course to earn cash back and commissions ...


What Do You Do to save Money?

L.D. asks from Modesto

With salary cuts, skyrocketing health insurance costs and inflation, our one salary household is getting squeezed pretty hard. Looking for ideas to save more money. W...


Pets and Money

S.E. asks from Philadelphia

I can't undo the fact that we started this mess but I need some input into getting out of it. Four months ago my husband brought home 3 goats that he was given. W...


Christmas with No Money

J.B. asks from Houston

I am a single mom of two wonderful boys ages 11 and 7. This Christmas is a hard one for me financially. I have absolutely no extra money for Christmas this year. T...

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Answer Highlights

  • your local salvation army in 2 answers "Hi J., I agree that you should go to your local Salvation Army or Thrift store ..."
  • do not co sign a loan in 3 answers "... number 1 priority is your family and your daughter. Do not Co - sign a loan ..."
  • dont feel bad about signing in 2 answers "... and people love to give this time of year, so don't feel bad about signing ..."
  • real meaning of christmas in 3 answers "... family is on the same page as you and can provide the real meaning of Christmas."
  • youll all be homeless in 2 answers "And then you'll all be homeless. What good is that going to do?"