I had a baby 3 and a half yr,s ago with epidural and it was miss guided. Now I suffer in pain. My 14 yr old has mother exp. Im very unactive, toss and turn at night w...
Hi! Have any of you hired a house cleaner from craigslist? I'm having some guests at our home for a few weeks and want to get a more thorough cleaning done. I clea...
My question is that how can church going people be so much of a hypicrite?My mom and my stepdad are pastor and wife and they are always putting me down about somethin...
Last night hubby and I got into our usual fight. How we get into it is always silly, and involves him thinking I am being overly controlling and critical where the ki...
My 4 1/2 month old is still sleeping in our pack-n-play, and it is starting to sag with his weight, so I'd like to get him a "real" crib. I had hoped my 2-year-old w...
At the end of March we are taking a small weekend trip to Shiloh , TN for a civil war re-enactment. My 7 y/o daughter will be going with us, and wants to take her fa...
Looking for gift ideas for a busy mom. What makes your life easier? Restaurant gift cards, gift cards for services like laundry, gadgets? I would love ideas for thing...
It's been FOREVER since I've had anything installed/delivered for my house (23 years or so really) - so I'm not sure what flies now. I'm having Home Depot install ca...
Hello hello mamas!
I'm with an absolutely wonderful man. Been together 7 ms, both single full time parents. I have a 6 yr old boy and his two girls will be 14 & 16 ...
My apartment has a mouse problem. My husband and I have so far been dealing with it ourselves and have caught four-ish mice since we noticed them first last december...