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Results 91-100 from 14,651 articles

Lost at Home

K.B. asks from Little Rock

Am I the only out there that feels completely lost. My kids are visiting their dad out in California. I'm here at the house working a job, going to school, and just h...


Home Inspection

T. asks from Dallas

Hello ladies! We bought a new house almost a year ago and we would like to have it inspected before the end of the guarantee provided by the builder. Do you know o...


Home School

C.H. asks from St. Louis

We are considering pulling our 9 yr old 4th grader out of public school next year because of the poor school system in our neighborhood. She is very bright and has a ...


Home to Rent

L.K. asks from Dallas

It's a little premature for me and my husband, but our lease is up on our apartment in Dallas in September and we want to rent a house out of the city. We have 3 dogs...


Work at Home

M.N. asks from Phoenix

Does anyone have any suggestions for a career that I can do from home? I am scared of what I am finding on the internet. Everything seems like a scam! Seems like so...


Working from Home

D.M. asks from Phoenix

Hi Moms: I am considering working PT from home and looking for suggestions. My background has been in Human Resource Management; but I am open for new opportunities...


Search for Daycare Is Not Going Well – Help!

K.K. asks from Chicago

I’m about to be a mommy in March and can only take off three months from work, so I will need to put my baby in daycare around June. As a first time parent I had n...


At Home Work

B.S. asks from San Diego

hey moms, I was wondering if anyone knows of something to do at home that is NOT sales (I already do that when I wan to) or presentations at all, but something that i...


Working from Home

S.L. asks from Madison

Does anyone know of any legitimate jobs that allow me to work from home? I'm just looking to make a few extra dollars and can work 10-20 hours a week. I was looking i...


19 Wks+ Pregnant: Does a Job Search Make Sense @ This Stage?

T.O. asks from Washington DC

Hi there, this is my 1st time posting/posing a question on mamapedia. I've benefited from other responses so figured I'd get my question out there. I'm almost 5 mon...

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