government loan

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Results 61-70 from 365 articles

What Was I Thinking???

F.H. asks from Phoenix

I'm so stressed out! We decided to sell both our vehicles (one is paid off, one loan) and use the money for the one paid off to buy TWO other vehicles so we don't ha...


Single Mom, Full Time Straight a Student, No Income, Seperated,How Do I Do This!

A.F. asks from St. Louis

My husband and I recently split- let me be clear that we haven't filed for a divorce or seperation, we are leaving things for now. I have a two year old daughter and ...


Husband Going Back to School. Need Help Finding $$$...

M.H. asks from Atlanta

Ok , Moms, I 'm out of my league here. My husband (46) has decided to go back to school and we are not rolling in the dough and of course, he's reaching for the stars...


Upside down on House

J.K. asks from Phoenix

Any ideas or anything will be so helpful! We are in an interest only ARM (6.25%) which becomes adjustable in Oct. 2011. We owe $274K and our house is worth $131K. ...


Possibly Homeless and Very Scared

A.K. asks from Columbus

We live in a home owned by my mother-in-law. She told my husband this house would be his inheritance when she passed (she is in good health)and he could live in it n...


Need Help Deciding What to Do About Finances

L.B. asks from Minneapolis

I hope someone can help me out there. We are having serious finance problems. Me and my husband both work but he does not make much $ and we have a few credit cards...



E.B. asks from Miami

This might be a bit personal to ask on here.... but what the heck I need "outside the box" opinion. Should we walk away or should we fight it. We got our foreclosur...


Just Lost My job.....pregnant W/two Kids - NEED BUDGET CUTTING IDEAS!

S.J. asks from St. Louis

I just lost my job, so our household income is now about half what it was. I am 5 months pregnant, so finding another job right now might prove challenging to say th...


Put in a Very Uncomfortable Situation

N.S. asks from Austin

I don't want to get into too many personal financial details, so I will try and keep this really simple. DH and I previously owned a home, sold at a significant loss...


I'm in a Bind! HELP!

A.E. asks from San Antonio

I'm in a real bind and have no idea what to do now. I have a 15 month old son and another baby on the way, as well as a large car payment. The car is 4 months old, ...

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Answer Highlights

  • phi theta kappa in 2 answers "Your GPA and Phi Theta Kappa don't matter one bit if you are homeless and can't feed ..."
  • call the attorney generals office in 2 answers "... do it anyway, it will help in the long run. Call the Attorney General's office ..."
  • read some of your other questions in 2 answers "I have to be harsh right now. I read some of your other questions."
  • your student loans in 4 answers "I know you said that you can't refinance your student loans, but what about a deferment?"
  • fresh fruits and veggies in 2 answers "I noticed you mentioned that you prefer to buy fresh fruits and veggies, and a CSA ..."