government loan

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Results 41-50 from 365 articles

How Do Other Single Mom's Find a Way to Afford Daycare,rent and Everything Else?

J.W. asks from San Diego

Hi There. I'm stressing majorly. My rent is about to increase (to $875), my daughter is going to have to go to daycare ($170 a week), and I don't know how to afford i...


Home Equity vs Another Mortgage

B.A. asks from Miami

Good morning Mamas, My husband and I are considering buying another house. We currently live in a townhouse with a small yard, but want something a little bigger wi...


Grants for School

A.A. asks from Lubbock

I'm thinking about going back to school and was curious if I could qualify for any grants. I have one child whose almost three months old. Do any of you mommies know ...


Home Affordable Modification

L.C. asks from Dallas

Has anyone been through this and received a modification? I have been trying over the past few months to adjust my mortgage. Every time it seems I have sent in every ...


Foreclosed Home

S.C. asks from Detroit

We aren't really sure if our home is in forclosure we assume that it should be bc we stopped paying on it almost a yr ago (its a rental home) I stopped the insurance...


Safe, Quick, Way to Build Your Credit, Have Never Had a Credit Card Before...

M.M. asks from Gainesville

We have rented too long and are wanting to buy a house soon, the problem is....we don't have credit. We have never owned a credit card. Because we never wanted things...


Mortgage as a Married Couple

K.L. asks from Savannah

My husband and I are saving for a home and while we most likely will not be purchasing a home for few years, we are looking into the entire process now, so we will be...


Job Loss

M.M. asks from New York

My husband just lost his job. The company he was working for was run by a trust in England with an office in the US. Now the company went out of business and they w...


Should I Hire an Real Estate Attorney to Conduct a Short Sale on My Home?

T.D. asks from Sacramento

Hi. I may have to short sale my home and was wondering if I should go through a real estate attorney or just hire a real estate agent. I have a first and second loa...


What Does Your Tax Refund Have to Do with Anything?

J.W. asks from St. Louis

I am just wondering because the response saying my tax refund was higher this year than last is not the first time I have seen that. Your refund has nothing to do ...

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Answer Highlights

  • time will raise his score in 2 answers "Making monthly payments on time over time will raise his score."
  • cash out your retirement in 2 answers "It could be a bad idea to cash out your retirement, because you won't have much for ..."
  • talk to a mortgage broker in 2 answers "I would defiantly talk to a mortgage broker...we bought a house and we didn't have ..."
  • dont need credit cards in 2 answers "I agree w/ Denise P, you don't need credit cards to get a mortgage, don't get sucked ..."
  • debt to income ratio in 2 answers "... payments and ability to repay The biggest thing is the debt to income ratio ..."