If you are very disciplined you can build credit with credit cards fast - I know because I did it. Make sure to get one with a grace period. For example, I had my college tuition saved up from all summer. I put it on my credit card and then paid the balance when the bill came due. I used it for my regular expenses - bills, grocery shopping, etc., which was rather convenient, since I never went over my limit. I kept the balance paid in full. Credit consists of your ability to pay. Having accounts that are well used and consistently paid off is a very big boost. You should be careful with this, however. You can call and ask that your borrowing amount be limited, say to $3000 or so. The reason behind this is that when you do go to borrow money, lenders should look at the amount of loans you have open, and the credit card is considered a loan. So if you have an $8000 limit, that is $5000 more that the lender considers you have to pay back should you max everything out. Since he doesn't know your history, he has to consider that as a possibility. Long story short, he might say "why don't you use that loan to pay for _____?" and therefore not give you a loan or as much of a loan as you desire.
I think some companies like Verizon and possibly cable report to credit card companies also.
I started in my 20's and a few years later when I went to buy a car they told me my credit score was 711. Good luck.
If you had friends who had big purchases to make, you could offer to put it on your credit card and let them give you the money, but of course you would have to be careful. Either way, as long as you are never more than 30 days late for a payment your credit will grow. Just watch out for those late fees!
PS - I would not get a secured credit card. These are designed for people with very poor credit - why let someone else use your money? Take that money, put it in the bank, and that way should you come up on a hard spot you have money to pay your bill. Also, should things go wrong and you need to file bankrupt, the money is gone. Better to just pay it down every month.
I got a very good credit card because I was in a school organization - the American Society of Civil Engineers. The interest rate was 12% and there was no annual fee. Look for a deal like that. If you have not made many credit mistakes and are just looking to build it, you should be able to find a deal like that. Best of luck.