get a job

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Results 101-110 from 60,550 articles

How Far Would You Go to Get Some Personal Desk Space at a Professional Job?

K.L. asks from Lafayette

I work for a large school district (not in IN, BTW). Last spring I was informed via email (!) that I was being assigned to a school about an hour from my home. I am...


Seeking a Job to Work from Home

A.S. asks from Dallas

I have been looking everywhere to find real 'work from home' offers but I need help. I go to school full time and have my son. I really need a job but don't want to g...


Teacher Job Fair Advice

R.S. asks from Dallas

Okay, so I am going to my first job fair (for teachers) this Saturday and would love to hear any sage advice from you educators out there who have been through it before!


Job Hunting and Expecting!

A.R. asks from Little Rock

Today I was laid off from a job that fit perfectly into my life. I am the mother to 3 great kids and am expecting #4 in May. I did plan on working up to my due date a...


Is It Harder to Find a Job After 40?

M.T. asks from Minneapolis

I'm in my early 40s. The last time I looked for a job was 3 years ago, just at the beginning of the recession, and when I was still in my 30s. I was not too excited...


Getting Another Job

J.R. asks from Sheboygan

hi moms. i decided to get another job just for helping more out with bills. my son is going to be going thru lots of changes in the next two weeks. he is starting ear...


Find a Job or Finish School?

R.P. asks from Dallas

Last week, I was lost my job. The company I was working for is about to shut their doors. I was working for a commercial real estate company which was paying for me t...


Job Ideas. Please Help!!

A.P. asks from Portland

I'm looking to start working again, my son is 16 months old and I'm looking to find a job I can where I can bring him to work with me. Any ideas?? Thank you!!


Any Ideas on Finding a Job?

J.N. asks from Philadelphia

Ok ladies never received a degree from community college. School was to say the least very diffucult. I had some learning disabities. My teachers told me I was slow a...


Seeking a P/T Job from Home

C.C. asks from Sacramento

I am a full time mom of 2 looking for a P/T job. I have a degree and teaching credential...and live in Lincoln. Any suggestions??

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