YAY I finally got a rental...and now I have to furnish an entire small cottage before 9/1 with little extra money...so what are your suggestions about finding furnitu...
Hi Mama's! My mother has recently moved in with us so we have an entire house's worth of stuff to sell. Everything from furniture, appliances, pots and pans, home de...
I am so excited! We're moving into a bigger house in May (YAAAAAY!) and we can get a dining room table again :) Right now, our house is too small, we have a bar/bar ...
I bought some little wooden chairs for my toddler from a yard sale. They are great quality, but marked with paint, glitter and dirt from general use. I've been scru...
Hi. We are ready to upgrade to a twin bed for my 3 year old. I never realized how hard it would be to find a darn twin bed! I want one that is real wood, will hold...
My 3.5 year old is obsessed with marking all over the house with markers, pens, colored pencils, sometimes crayons. We punish her, we take them away and hide them but...
I live in the country and we have limited space inside our home. We do have access to store stuff in 2 old barns. One has a loft. We mistakenly bought a sectional ...
So here is my deal. We have a house that works for our small family of 3, hubby, me and our 16 year old daughter. We have lived here for 17 years. In the past few yea...
Hi there - you guys are such a wealth of knowledge... so I thought I'd send out a question. No judgments please....
We are downsizing big time. At one time we ha...