My husband and I are trying very hard to decide whether or not to have a third child. We have a 3 year old little boy and a 1 year old little girl already who we lov...
to your husbands about how much money you really spend? I was out shopping with a friend two weeks ago and she was telling me how much she spent on her stroller but t...
I am pregnant with my second child and the guy doesn't want anything to do with the baby once he/she is born. He wants to terminate his parental rights and my questio...
What is the plus for having one baby/toddler/child in your opinion?? I do have one toddler myself and always hear the plus's of having a sibling so I would love to k...
Has anyone been following the Bainport, IL situation?
Has anyone watched "Behind Your Back: A Documentary About Bainport"?
Thoughts? Would you recommend it?
My sister's husband committed suicide in front of her Memorial Weekend. The marriage was really bad for a long time (years) and my sister was very lonely. She found...
I am sorry my original post is so long and confusing. I have never dealt with anything like this and my kids are hurting. We have been accepted to the new school and...
Mamas & Papas-
DS is three, and Hubs has baby fever. Me, not so much so. DS is getting to an age where he is really delightful and engaging and daily more self su...
I am a mom of 3 kiddos. I have a degree but I have stayed home for years. My marriage just isn't there anymore. I am at a loss as to what to do....where to turn..what...
When I met my husband, I was working on my Ph.D. For money, I did odd jobs, on top of teaching at the University. I wanted to quit, he encouraged me to finish, even ...