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Results 61-70 from 618 articles

My Friend Fed My Baby?! HELP!

B.G. asks from Toledo

Yesterday, at a BBQ my husband gave our 8 month old daughter a piece of lettuce to suck the dressing off. I haven't given her much "adult" food yet, aside from mashe...


In Dire Need of Advice for My 20 Month Old, Please Help!!!!

C.H. asks from Fort Myers

I am probably overprotective, but please understand that i lost my first three babies to miscarriage and finally i was blessed with my son. I guarded his little life ...


Turns Her Stomach? Really?

S.W. asks from Detroit

Okay Mamas and Papas. I need a reality check. A kind reality check please. Just got back from lunch with some colleagues and someone said something that set me bac...


Husband Wants Another Kid, I Don't

M.A. asks from Chicago

My husband wants another child in the future and I do not. I have told him this and told him why, but he doesn't seem to understand and the other night we got in a pu...


8 Year Old Anger Issues

J.W. asks from Dallas

This is my first post so please bear with me. My son is 8 years old and has always had a short fuse when it comes to getting angry. He will be perfectly fine and th...


Need Solutions to Stop Mama Drama at School

M.F. asks from San Antonio

We are looking for advice on how to deal with public elementary school mamas who make up drama, who want to be the center of attention, and who seem to enjoy running ...


Sick of My Sister in Law!!

T.L. asks from Corpus Christi

Strong title, I know, but I am reaching my boiling point and fear a confrontation is near. Will someone please give me advice on how to handle my SIL and her constan...


Do You Yell?

C.V. asks from Columbia

In a completely separate group, a mom asked the following question: "Here's my issue: I have an anger problem. I just get so infuriated at the things my kids and...


Hubbys First Love

S.Z. asks from Indianapolis

I've never posted a question on here before so bear with me. My dear hubby and I have been married for 10 years. I'm his third marriage and he's my second. Between us...


2 1/2 Year Old Daughter Self-stimulating

M.M. asks from Anchorage

My almost 3 year old daughter has always been very tactile. She is a thumb sucker, blanket rubber, and has always liked to rub the soft side of velcro or her daddy's...

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