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Results 51-60 from 618 articles

My Husband Is Too Hard on My Son

M.D. asks from Washington DC

I have a 13 Yr old and I feel that my husband is being too hard on him. I understand boys can be difficult at this age. My son is a good kid. He does sometimes beha...


How to Get Child to Do Bloodwork? He Threw Tantrum and REFUSED!! Had to Leave!

B.C. asks from Miami

Hello everyone! I need some advice with my son. We had an appt. for bloodwork today for my 2 kids. My daughter ( 9 yo) did it without a problem. My son on the other h...


For Moms of High-schoolers or Soon to Be High-schoolers- How Do You Do It?

K.S. asks from Denver

Thanks in advance for the support. The first thing to know here is that I am a worry-wart already, so I stress about lots of things. But this one just might do me in....


Can't Decide Whether or Not to Homeschool My Children

C.A. asks from Provo

I am having such a difficult time deciding how to educate my children. I have always d public schools, and I will definitely not send my children there, but I ha...


Terrified About My Daughter Going to School

N.O. asks from Dallas

Hello, My daughter is 7 yrs old and is about to start first grade at a public school and I'm terrified. For the last 2 years she attended a small private school th...


Help w/Spitting and Word Shut Up

K.S. asks from Kansas City

Our 2 1/2 year old son has been spitting and saying "Shut up" for the past 3 months excessively!!!! We have tried everything...telling him no and giving him the word...


Should I Give the Teacher a Heads-up?

P.G. asks from Dallas

My son attends 2nd grade in public school and I'm pretty happy with the school all around.Over the last 6 months or so, there have been occasional "preachy" moments c...


Do Your Schools Allow Bathroom Break to Wash Hands Before Lunch?

G.R. asks from San Diego

My daughter is in public school and has been getting so much paper work on Swine flu, which I think is great. Most of it is on washing hands, sneezing in your elbow, ...


6 Year Old in Pain - BM Question *Tmi*

H.S. asks from Cincinnati

My daughter has some anxiety issues over pooping. I think she had a painful experience at some point, and once that happened, she started to fear pushing it out. Simp...


Seeking Advice for 14 Year Old Unmotivated Boy

D.H. asks from Los Angeles

My 14 year old is seriosly unmotivated. This is his first year of high school and the first time he has brought home D's and F's. One each on every report card. Th...

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Answer Highlights

  • good cop bad cop in 5 answers "There should never be a good cop/bad cop routine with parents."
  • truly live our beliefs in 2 answers "I love what Gidget has to say - "if we truly live our beliefs, we don't need to convince ..."
  • lunch bell rings in 2 answers "... see no lines to the restrooms for handwashing what so ever, the lunch bell rings ..."
  • your husbands expectations in 3 answers "Which did not work. Your husband's expectations could have just said to your son ..."
  • his religious beliefs in 2 answers "... up that your son is being harassed by other kids about his religious beliefs."