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Results 151-160 from 9,679 articles

Alternatives to Soda? (For Me)

M. asks from Dallas

I have always been a regular coke drinker. I have tried diet and the 0 drinks, but I always go back to regular. It did not used to be a problem, but after my second c...


Women's Multivitamin

V.T. asks from Dallas

I feel so sluggish by 3 pm and still have another 5 hours with my daughter being awake before I can relax. I don't eat meals and snack throughout the day, but I thin...


Adipex Withdrawl

S.M. asks from Saginaw

I took Adipex for a while and lost 45 lbs. When I stopped taking it all the weight plus 15 lbs came back and I have NO energy during the day and can't sleep at night...


B6 And B12 Vitamin

R.D. asks from Wichita

Hey moms! I found out while pregnant that I've got a genetic disorder in which my body does not absorb all the b6 and b12 it needs. I have to take these vitamins eve...


Anti Depression and Anxiety Meds

B.H. asks from Dallas

ok asking you moms your opinion of what is the best anti-depression and anxiety meds? I need something that gives me energy. i have been on lexapro for years then las...


7 Weeks Pregnant and EXHAUSTED

B.W. asks from Pittsburgh

I have a 3 year old daughter and a one year old son and am now (only) 7 weeks pregnant. (i say only because i found out 2 weeks ago, but it feels like 2 months ago). ...


Talking About Fat Shaming with My Son

F.B. asks from New York

My second grader goes to an exceptionally small school where he is the only boy in his grade and has six girls as classmates. One is conspicuously thin, “Ann” ano...


Struggling with Weight Issues

C.S. asks from Salt Lake City

I am trying to lose weight, and don't seem to know quite how, and what is the best way.. I did start doing TaeBo which I totally love.. but then I sprained my ankle a...



M.H. asks from Chicago

I've heard about body detox,what's my best option and is it about going on with no food for days and even weeks,I don't like the sound of that


Recent Weight Loss in All the Wrong Places!

B.S. asks from Shreveport

I've recently been on a diet and have lost weight. The problem is that I lose weight in the wrong places. I'm losing weight in my upper body but NOTHING on my lower b...

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Answer Highlights

  • iced tea in 11 answers "I love iced tea! Either plain or with lemon or with 1/4 part lemonade!"
  • artificial sweeteners in 4 answers "I can't do caffeine or artificial sweeteners, I can do stevia."
  • vitamin water zero in 2 answers "Vitamin Water Zero. Sometimes it's better diluted, depending on the flavor, and they ..."
  • every little bit helps in 2 answers "... a lot, but it will add up in the course of a day, and every little bit helps."
  • instead of watching tv in 3 answers "So, I suggest instead of watching TV, go get a workout in before you go to work at ..."